It’s pretty obvious they are sea sex toys.
Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I’m just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.
It’s pretty obvious they are sea sex toys.
They arguably refract better and don’t have a history of slavery and death.
Does it really need a remake?
Replace evil spirits with gremlins then.
You must follow these rituals to prevent the evil spirits from possessing your true name.
There were plenty of adults acting like children too.
More like Jake not from State Farm.
I like the second one.
No but I could block you and refuse to elaborate.
If one of you always lies, can’t I just assume the one to explain the premise is the one that tells the truth?
I mean do you know for a fact he isn’t depressed? Comedians tend to do a pretty good job covering it up.
Ever hear of rotten potatoes? Or sun poisoned potatoes? Checkmate loser.
As if there are not evil companies that deserve death.
Don’t you be dissing Shaggy!
You might want to ask a piracy focused sublemmy. Have you looked into Minetest?
It is not necessarily saying only men find this sad, just that most men don’t care about the Titanic movie. But as far as an alternative template, the Mr. Incredible one might have worked.
Is this real? I’d jail break my car immediately if this happened.