Ok, so we’re going in circles now?
If the work they’ve put in since hasn’t won you over, great - do other things with your time. If I were you I’d keep in mind that you aren’t perfect either.
Ok, so we’re going in circles now?
If the work they’ve put in since hasn’t won you over, great - do other things with your time. If I were you I’d keep in mind that you aren’t perfect either.
Yeah, I quit with Lightfall.
Sorry, but ‘The Witness’ was never anything other than a hamfisted attempt to create some kind of big bad. Bungie genuinely believed they could piggyback off of Destinys success and pivot into different IPs. I immediately lost all faith that I had given my money to the right people.
I feel petty, but I am glad they failed. I wanted Destiny to succeed, and Bungie made it very clear that it was never going to.
Well I’m pretty sure @krolden has you on principle considering the kind of person Dotcom is.
Idk, but the largest Cybertruck weighs 12 lbs less than an F-150.
Some people like to see the things they spend time on finished.
I can never really tell, truth be told. I just write them off as either being brainwashed or a bad actor. Same treatment either way.
It’s a type of person, not any one person. You won’t really be able to avoid them completely here. They’re the type of person who won’t shut the fuck up about how the U.S. is actually an authoritarian state and glazes the fuck out of places like China/Soviet Russia.
You will likely see for yourself what I mean.
Someone you shouldn’t interact with
How do you not break down and weep after having done such a thing?
You can certainly make an argument for young kids, i.e. teaching fractions and literally how to count (counting seconds).
Teenagers? No, not really. They’ll all have phones or something to tell the time by a certain age and hopefully they know their fractions / how to count. It might as well just be digital at that point.
A strawman that may actually be true, given how much poison the rich have dumped into our environment.
Then why is this hard to understand?
Do you stick your hands down your shorts to prevent the water pulling them against your skin?
How long has it been since you last swam?
Are ya’ll really confused about this?
I think that depends on whether you like Cool-Aid or not.
The only way Homelander beats Superman is if he has Kryptonite. Neither side would have a fair victory, Homelander would have to cheat or Superman would just win in a landslide.
Makes it easier for someone to convince you that they know what’s best for you.