Except Luffy is chaotic good
“To fry” means to cook in oil or fat. A distinction we can make is “deep fry” like the chicken, and “pan fry” for the other 2. We don’t use woks as much here so really the only difference between fried rice and a fried egg is whether you stir it or flip it, but both are still cooked in a pan with oil.
Yeah, 50% person actually restarted, 30% chance person is lying, 20% chance person just turned the monitor off and back on.
If the thing in question is changed, and the only part of us that can directly affect is our opinion, then I would call that a social construction.
We define what existence is. We have all collectively agreed that being here in the perceptible world means that something exists. We could choose to include the imaginary in its definition and then would be able to say that dragons and wizards exist. We could also choose to say something has to be present in 4 dimensions to exist, in which case we’d not be able to say that anything exists.
A social construct is simply an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society which includes the dictionary itself. I’d also say that these definitions are often useful at allowing us to communicate and cooperate with one another, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t make up the idea.
Our naming and classification of things is all socially constructed. So yes, our categorization of edible things as food is a social construct, but our physical need to fuel our bodies with something digestible is not. But also, using it that way makes existence a social construct, so it depends on how rigid you want to be.
Children also don’t feel shame about being naked until they gain the knowledge of sexuality. Parents would probably notice a child covering themselves up after an encounter of that nature.
I’m also assuming the story would be altered in a number of ways to change the meaning to the biblical one.
It also has built in ads
I don’t have a story in particular, but any time there’s any critique directed towards my boss he will make up some excuse for his actions. It seems like he takes any critique as a personal attack and obviously the critic in question is the problem while refusing to address the substance of said critique. Makes it impossible for any improvement to occur and is very exhausting.
iF iT waSn’t fOr caPitAliSm yOu wOulDn’t haVe tHe luXuRy oF a mIcrOwAve
That’s why we exist. Our purpose is to live.