I’ve said it before, all ceos could be replaced by mascots and it would have no negative effect on the productive capabilities of our society. On the contrary things might actually improve for once in my life
I’ve said it before, all ceos could be replaced by mascots and it would have no negative effect on the productive capabilities of our society. On the contrary things might actually improve for once in my life
A condom is just a dick thimble
I admire your commitment, but it won’t be one apocalyptic battle, it’ll be a long protracted war. So like hydrate and stretch and shit. Make time in your life for meaningful organizing.
Look at mister “Sometimes I write programs that have more than a single niche function” over here
This is a post about growing disappointment with Python
It isn’t even a take. I’m not like teaching a seminar on it ffs
Have you ever watched a YouTube video that was a response to someone else’s YouTube video? That’s all I was thinking about, this entire economy of foul discourse. Is this a super serious shower thoughts comm?
Well everybody has good and bad days. A disproportionate emotional response, especially one that gets apologized for later, is pretty easy to sympathize with. In many ways I like working with people who don’t pretend to be perfect. But when people like really dig their heels in, and start burning mental and emotional energy due to somebody else criticizing their work or positions, its like a reality warping tunnel created by people who are mad at each other.
Who said anything about “right mind”?
Wait why are you getting so upset? In what way have I engaged in toxic discourse, or I am a troll? I had a “shower thought” and thought it was funny and decided to share it. How have I been toxic, by like vaguely defending a view that I hadn’t thought about but for more than the time it took to post this and respond to you.
I’m not being toxic or performatively indignant. I’m not sure what you think my intent is, but I assure you it isn’t as negative as you are making it out to be.
You come across like someone who wants to pick a fight, do you care to explain that behavior?
How do you define a proper criticism? I’ve seen proper criticism taken as an insult. But perhaps you’re right its more likely to warrant a response with a strong criticizm in order to get a response, than to just flat out attack.
Or maybe its conditional?
So when people are celebrating their haters, they are insulted? No they are flattered that somebody else spent the energy being angry. If I can stir shit up and make you mad, as long as you won’t hurt me I’ll love the attention
Because you make a piece of work attacking my work and defending your own
This is such a doomed and haunted shower thought for someone who has a Marxist conception of technology and alienation
I mean to be clear I’m from altoona and I’ve never seen pizza like this.
Thank you! I can’t dance is cheeks, and they have so many good records
Of all the great Genesis records, this meme goes with the single for I Can’t Dance. Jesus Christ get a grip.
They would have to have their own sorts of media
Reddit is Bloodborne
Okay this might be the comment that makes Ted Kaczinsky’s manifesto take on new meaning and inspiration for me
As someone who has read those 5 books, and the next 5, and the next 5 and so on, those people never go away. There’s always 5 more books. I still recommend those books but in my experience they’re almost always in-group signalling and not coming up with a new synthesis of the material as understood through their own unique experiences as a worker. Actually those people will be the first to tell you that experience doesn’t matter its actually their experience reading books that matters. If you haven’t read them and agree, then that’s fine; if you have read them and disagree then you haven’t read them good enough, or read these other books for the appropriate context.
“The traditions of dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the minds of the living.” is as true for the left as it is any other tradition.
What do you mean? there are plenty of British recording artists
“Machines were the weapons deployed by the capitalists to quell the revolt of specialized labor”