No, I want to see Iron Mike kick his ass too!!
No, I want to see Iron Mike kick his ass too!!
I want Trump to go prison and spend the rest of his life there. And I wish him decades of misery and humiliation there.
He was mentally deranged. That’s the sort of half-assery typical of people with mental problems.
Turns out you’re wrong. It was a registered GOPer with an AR15 who also had bomb making stuff at home.
I would prefer Trump to have a long and miserable life in prison. Preferably in an underground cell in SuperMax somewhere. For his own protection of course.
Wait til you get those fucking murder hogs up there.
TBH, I would not trust a .223 to take down a hog intent on fucking me up. If feral hogs were a threat, I’d want a semi-auto .308 or similar larger more powerful round.
Then why does the amendment refer to a Well Regulated Militia? If “People” were synonymous, the amendment doesn’t make sense. “Well regulated people”?
Contact your prof and explain the mistake. When I was a prof, I would have been amused by your brain fart and probably wouldn’t have docked you much, if at all, if you explained what happened.