Doing my part with 20-30mbps upload 😂
Doing my part with 20-30mbps upload 😂
Nope, syncthing for file syncing things between systems like music and I realized I never really used “cloud” storage.
Crazy how that doesn’t at all even address the problem of subtitle sync! It just pastes subtitles as-is in there. What if the subtitle files are at a different framerste? What if the subtitles have the wrong starting offset for the media? What if the subtitles have 1-2 mistakes in them as far as timing?
Hence why there are a dozen subtitle syncing tool projects supplementing ffmpeg like ffsubsync, subsync, alass, autosubsync, srtsync, etc…
Using the integrated player. That is the only player option on android TV. On android I am also using the integrated player. If I use the web player, the same UI as the web shows up WITHOUT the subtitle offset option that is in the web player in a web browser. Not sure what the difference could be. Always burning in subtitles isn’t enabled either.
The only thing about jellyfin is the damn subtitles. Subtitle sync is horrible. They added a subtitle offset feature last year which was a good workaround and then removed it a few months ago on androidtv and android. Now the subtitle offset on the web player doesn’t do anything anymore either
Even Subgen generated subtitles, which are pretty perfectly in sync in reality, are sometimes played back at an incorrect speed so it will progressively get more and more out of sync, but there is no way to tell what speed the subtitles are being played at.
Also it just ignores themes a lot of times or only displays themes on the admin console and nowhere else.
That said, jellyfin is still amazing!
I had to physically log into the server (I am not using a VPS) and docker compose -f ... down
the container in order for it to be solved. After a downgrade of nextcloud it was solved and the next upgrade I did, didn’t experience the same issue. I ended up ditching nextcloud anyway because after an update ~8-12 months ago, the login page has never loaded since, so it can’t be used. I found out I rarely used it anyway.
Hey, I had a similar thing happen to me. It turns out the faulty container brought down my entire LAN network. The reason you can’t ssh in is likely because your router is stuck at 100% usage trying to figure it out.
At least that is what happened with my old Archer A7 and damn nextcloud.
You are really missing out
impossible to join
Lol yeah many of us know we are missing out but can’t join any decent private trackers because they are impossible to join. The one small one I was able to join has so few users that maintaining a good ratio is literally impossible because not enough people download anything but brand-new media. Luckily they give points for keeping things alive that can be traded for ratio.
I think without the points I would have like a 0.05 ratio or something dumb while I am 24/7 seeding over 300 files. On public trackers I have 3.1TB down, 20.7TB up seeding ~600.
Live on the edge
Pin to develop
Crazy enough, I have everything going that I want to on my server!
As far as my server goes, I have everything I need. Maybe setting up something for sharing files over the web if needed. I used nextcloud for that before it killed itself completely and I realized I never really needed it.
Next is working on my smart home because we had to fully strip the house to renovate. KNX first, zwave for things that KNX doesn’t have or are crazy expensive, ESPHome for everything that the other two can’t accomplish. Minimal 2.4GHz interference and don’t have to rely as much as possible on flaky wireless in a brick house.
Trakt also sells your data off to whoever wants it even though they explicitly say that they don’t. https://trakt.tv/privacy
I hadn’t had anything on any ad service about harry potter in years. Never searched anything about it or anything. Watched a quarter of one movie via jellyfin on linux completely locally with the trakt plugin. A few hours later I had harry potter advertisements everywhere that I don’t have an ad blocker.
It really really depends on what you have for heating.
Floor heating + heat pump? You don’t need to mess around with target temp much because the principle behind it is thermal mass buildup and maintaining that. You have to tune thermostatic valves on the room level. Then you can have one central thermostat simply slightly change the target temperature with many hours of delay. That doesn’t seem too useful to me to automate.
Do you have radiators? Then you can get zwave or ZigBee valves and tie them together with whatever thermostat that you want in home assistant. Then you can set per room/zone heat depending on whatever sensors you have.
Do you have central forced air heating and air conditioning? Then you have pretty much target temp and on/off control unless you want to put in motorized automatic registers or redesign your entire duct system for per-room duct valves.
Individual heat pumps/airco units with radiator based heating is the most “per room” customizable and probably the most useful to put automations on in Home Assistant.
Ventilation can be useful by monitoring CO2 levels and humidity. Then you can use either the fan units themselves or socket switches to actuate those and put whatever sensors you want wherever it is useful.
I am probably missing some stuff here, but there are only a few HVAC setups that actually benefit from automation, in my opinion. Mainly ventilation, infrared, and non centralized forced air heat pumps. Plus heating and cooling is something you want to work 100% flawlessly even if your router dies, your home assistant falls off a cliff, and your ZigBee/zwave controller dies.
Other opinion: I used that one for a few years and then it became unbootable, forever loading the login page with not an error in the logs (after multiple times of having to diagnose update failures in the past).
I found out that I personally didn’t need nextcloud after being completely unable to use it for months
Not if you play rocket league lol. Bazzite has an inexplicable bug where rocket league specifically only uses 40% of your GPU and 25% CPU regardless of any graphics settings or launch options. With occasional drops to 7-10fps.
The xperia 5ii doesn’t have wireless charging, so no.
3.5 years almost with the Xperia 5ii. Tried between 20 and 80 but for the last year, the battery life was so bad that now it is between 10 and 80 while barely using it. AVG battery SoT discharge rate is 18%/hr according to accubattery. When I got it, it was around 9%. The killer is screen off time which is 2.6%/ hour, over double what it was originally.
Accubattery has been tracking through the phone’s entire life and says it is at 70% or so now. Almost 9% per year loss.
Xperias must have super cheap bad batteries because my girlfriend’s A52 (a much cheaper phone) purchased at the exact same time, used much more often, and charged to 100% still lasts 1-2 days easily and the battery capacity is at 85% or so. But maybe if I charged to 100%, the battery life would be at 50% of so with the quality of the battery.
32 bit embedded processors us a lot of 32 bit time, though i am not sure if date time libraries in SDKs have been updated to use 64 bit for time.
Yes but they have much, much , much wider margins than cell phone manufacturers. Yes, phone manufacturers will add a $0.1 DAC/AMP chip instead of a $2 because of profit margins in the 100k unit range. The actual DAC IC chips that are very good are not too expensive. The metal housings are literally more expensive. It is not expensive at all to put a good chip in there, it is all the bean counters saying that they have to increase quarterly profits.
Plus “audiophile” DACs are literally 80% snakeoil. Because listening is so subjective, they heavily rely on audiophiles’ quest for placebo effect and after-purchase self justification, both of which are a strong phenomenon. Above a FIIo E10k (literally uses a PCM5102, which is very cheap ), you get massive diminishing returns. Then above the ~150 or 200 mark, they all use very similar chips and just play around a bit with distortion on DAC/AMP stacks. Without distortion, there is no discernable difference between them.
I was a signal integrity engineer for years, we can cleanly convert signals in the MHz range (>25x faster than audio signals) and process signals in the >5GHz range. Audio is literally child’s play to have near zero noise and 99% perfect analog conversion… Even a product I am working on now where the audio is medically needed to be a certain delay and fidelity to trigger biometric measurement feedback, the DAC chip is extremely cheap compared to “audiophile” gear…
There is a reason why pretty much everyone fails a blind DAC comparison. If there were double-blind tests performed, probably like <1% of the audiophile population (that is already very low) that has extremely abnormal hearing would be able to tell DACs apart consistently above a fairly low threshold.
Rip Sony.
I love how they say
and then show a screenshot of a game that looks objectively worse than a low-budget movie tie-in from 2007. I mean look at the 1 tile, non-randomized, no noise, no depth, repeating light effect on the water with 0 effort put in to even make it look slightly good. The depth of field and fog looks like it is from pokemon pearl with a gaussian blur put on top of it.
Super mario sunshine from 2002 looks almost as good at the water looks 10x better lol
Gamefreak puts literally 1% effort into any of their games…