More like
“No capitalism, no problems”
More like
“No capitalism, no problems”
I feel personally attacked
I’ve had bad anxiety my entire life, but I never felt like I really had social anxiety before the pandemic. Now I have a hard time talking to pretty much anyone unless they talk to me first.
Dude I’d kill for the opportunity to get my hands on a half-decent CRT
Do you think CRTs just magically disappeared after the turn of the millennium?
They really could start publishing real news stories and no one would know the difference
Literally Bernie Sanders for the 8 years
Are ball pits still a thing? I don’t think I’ve seen one in a decade at least.
I haven’t spoken to him since late 2021, so we’re safe in that regard.
With how few actual thoughts go through their minds I’m sure they’ll sleep well enough.
I remember telling my (trump supporter) father the night before the election in 2016 something along the lines of: “You don’t think this clown actually has a chance, do you?”
Turns out it wasn’t a lack of information accessibility keeping people stupid.
Yeah… That’s the joke…
I mean that’s fair, you’re not really supposed to joke about killing former presidents, even if it’s in reference to the biggest piece of shit of the 21st century
I must be out of the loop did something happen w/ Jack Black?
I forgot about that lol
That and the tunneling under Walmart or some shit
No they should be sponsored by the politicians who refuse to aid those affected.
Hurricane Ron DeSantis
Poor guy. It’s been 8 years since I last watched that show and I’m still pissed.