I understand the statement is about in-game stuff, but I’m guessing a lot of game developers have been using GitHub Copilot and this kind of “AI tools” for months.
I understand the statement is about in-game stuff, but I’m guessing a lot of game developers have been using GitHub Copilot and this kind of “AI tools” for months.
Singular Value Decomposition is widely used in machine learning, image processing, natural language processing, recommender algorithms…
Stable Video Diffusion is a good marketing name, but SVD is quite confusing from an academic point of view.
It’s not the best idea to call it SVD, as it already stands for Singular Value Decomposition.
Unions don’t work the same way in all european countries.
In France, the union I belong to is organized by local company and public service, with a spawling system of dual cascading federations by geographic sector and economic sector.
And there are several competing national union organizations which overlap. I don’t know exactly how the other ones are organized
Getting Nintendo would be a career moment for me
Who cares about your career? How could it be a justification for anything?
Picross games are the Nintendo version of the pen-and-paper puzzles called nonograms. I’m pretty sure you can find this kind of puzzles on steam or websites.
Fez: a 2D plateformer in which you can change the perspective to create ways to unreachable plateforms
Baba Is You: a puzzle game in which you move blocks with words written on them, combining them to create small phrases which become new rules of the game.
I agree with you about a 3D Mario: it’s absolutely not incompatible with the release of Wonder. Also, it would be a good candidate to showcase the graphics of the new console, without taking much risks.
Mario Kart/Splatoon/Smash bros. They need a multiplayer game. For Mario Kart and Smash Bros, they have the same (fist world) problem: the switch versions have so much content that it’s difficult to hit harder. And it’s not nice of me, but I feel like they wouldn’t mind milking the Splatoon players.
Animal crossing. The license gained so much new fans with AC:NH, it would be suprising if they don’t try to take advantage of this new popularity.
Give us the chance to finally have one island per player on the console, and it’s a day 1 purchase with my SO.
I missed this point, sorry. I hope it will be released on other plateforms, including Playstation.
Recently released Lakeburg Legacy. It’s a small realm simulation: you build various workshops, allocate workers, gather resources, produce items to fill the need of the population.
And in the same time, each citizen had a love life, you can find them partners, chose talking subjects for their first date, decide if they should mary or not, some of them will break up after cheating on their partner…
Not only that. It’s also a means of long-term tax evasion, by storing works of art in a freeport.
I think it’s a more global movement.
When I was recruited at my university in the early 2000s, every teacher had an ftp-accessible space with an http address like myuni.edu/~myname. The more techie ones did html, the fancier ones even added css. Muggles would export html from a Word document.
Then one day, the IT department decided to replace this with a “learning management system”. A wysiwyg platform with dozens of modules for videoconferencing courses, homework submission, online exams, and so forth.
Except that the user (the teacher) no longer has control over his or her personal space.