is your home folder actually under /var/home/… not under /home/… ?
does the scripr run correctly when you paste the full path in the comandline?
is your home folder actually under /var/home/… not under /home/… ?
does the scripr run correctly when you paste the full path in the comandline?
wings for the blue shell
its not on the same board,
but you could build something like that with a gp-2040 board and a raspberry pi running RetroPie
not sure if fightcade runs well on the raspberry pi’s arm chip tho (since you called it a fightstick instead of arcade stick)
not quite sure which one takes the top spot,
but its either openttd, factorio, btd6 or dota2
i only took a glance at the chunkbase so far, but kerb seems to be a 9 out of 10
a frozen ocean with lots of taigas and snowy plains
and mushroom islands so close to spawn.
i only dont like the ice spikes
for games that are single player , or games that i dont intend to play online, verry much yes.
with multi player games i struggle a bit more but i try.
😂 World of darkness titles tend to have godawfull names.
all their titles start with the name of the tabletop game its based on,
in this case its: “Vampire: The Masquerade”
the actual tille of the game starts at “Bloodlines”.
thanks to that naming scheme all their titles are fucked before they even start
the list also has morrowind and skyrim
its a good game but verry grindy and to fast paced for me,
its a looter shooter with incredibly fast movement options.
there is a sea of content but the game has terrible onboarding so you dont quite know where to get started.
if you try it out your first goal should be to unlock the solar system.
make a stop on venus to unlock rhino,
hes imo a good frame for beginners and you’ll learn how to farm (non prime) frames.
if you start to struggle with damage or defense,
look into the mod system, its very important and the game barely explains it.
there is a premium currency called platinum.
but you can trade it between players,
so it became the trading currency.
you can think of it like the path of exile economy,
except the currency cant drop and is sold by the developer instead of third party websites.
its just missing dns entrys.
if you configure anything other than your providers default dns server you don’t notice it.
i updated the title
ill continue playing streetfighter 6 trying to get into plat.
and probably either some skyrim or titan quest.
as far as im aware its always better to use vulcan
hes also calm instead of RAGING because windows has YET AGAIN overwritten his linux bootloader.
into depression i guess
he who controls the catnip controls the universe
you mean tay?
iirc it lasted 16 hours before microsoft had to shut it down
i recently dusted of titanquest (diablo clone)
and even kinda got tqvault to run on linux (not very well though)
i also played a lot of streetfighter 6
dang it, aparently reality has beaten me to that punchline (gamigo aquired their studio in 2018)
must be really bad when even mmo necromancy can keep your ass afloat anymore 💀💀💀
i remember these kinda discussions from a few years ago, when waterseer had a similar idea.
how well these devices work is strongly related to how humid the air is.
and the places where these kind of devices would actually be useful (like deserts) have very low humidity,
to the point were there is almost no water in the air to be harvested.
atmospheric water harvesting has only been somewhat feasible in environments that usually have better methods to get water,
and even there they are ineficcient to the point where people consider it a scam