btw intel QSV on iGPUs is actually crazy, you can put a little intel cpu from like 12th gen and it’ll decode and encode most content for you perfectly fine, unless you’re extremely picky about tone mapping and color space (idk in that case, i don’t have super strenuous content requirements lol)
the arc cards are even better, but not needing an entire GPU for decoding/encoding is SO nice for smaller homelabs.
both, probably.
jellyfin is quite literally seamless in this regard, the only thing that wont work is metadata scraping (which if like me you run a yt archive, can be relatively frequent, but often isn’t even a huge problem) I only notice network outages when other shit breaks lmao.
Hardware acceleration still kind of sucks. You can get it to work, but the Jellyfin port of ffmpeg doesn’t work anywhere near as well as Plex’s.
pretty much just works for me on intel QSV. as long as you have drivers and hardware support it seems perfectly fine. Maybe plex has a cleaner implementation? Not sure, never used it.
Public network support is finicky. This is hard to quantify, but I’ve been on several remote networks where my Jellyfin connection dropped in and out and Plex did not. I suspect this is due to the Plex Relay service making up for bad routes between my house and the network.
depending on your network configuration, and routing of the network, this is most likely to be plex relays, this wouldn’t be a jellyfin issue, it would be a plex feature. You could easily fix this with a relay VPN server or something like that. (you probably shouldn’t publicly expose services these days anyway.)
i only wish jellyfin would add chapter titles and hover cards (maybe thats in the new thumbs now? I haven’t yet migrated because lazy lmao)
and that they fix the weird UI shenanigans from it’s emby days. Some QOL shit would be nice, auto sorting so that its not manually default to the stupidest setting ever. and the other usual shit.
I’m still having issues with my client freezing on playback of high bitrate video (like heavy 4K content) but transcoding down fixes that, im not sure what causes that, something gets caught up i guess, a refresh fixes it though.
there’s finamp. and i think jellyfin is just running a sonic server? Not sure, but that’s basically what it is under the hood, so.
There were people who specifically got themselves arrested to observe conditions within the concentration camps and then escape because some reports of conditions were too unbelievable
literally makes my point for me lol
yeah that sounds about right, someone should make an XKCD search engine i think.
lmao yeah it is 2025 now, still stuck in last years shit i guess lol.
and the inability to hide things has apparently just made it more blatant when we decide to ignore genocide.
yeah, you would think with how easy it would be to expose and report genocide, that if genocide were happening everybody would immediately know about it and be worried about, and move to do things to prevent it.
well tbf, the standard coming from computing is doubling the bits until it stops being a problem, or with ipv6 practically having more IPs than there are atoms in the entire planet of earth (i think i did the calculation a while ago, and it was like, most of the atoms in earth, so like, not quite, but for all intents and purposes, might as well be)
to be fair, the israeli palestine conflict is significantly longer running than anything that the germans managed, and so far, hasn’t killed 6 million people, so there’s that.
Part of the problem is that it’s really really difficult to see the magnitude of the issue until the dust has settled, part of the reason we know how many people died in the holocaust is due to the work of various jewish archivists/historians that have spent decades crawling through information trying to piece together what they can, paired with the reasonably meticulous documentation that the germans were known for. (though i can’t confirm that one)
Up until we practically landed boots IN germany, we didn’t really have any idea what was going on, that’s part of why it took so long for anything to be done.
Thankfully it’s 2024 and we have modern technology, so you can’t exactly just “hide” things like genocide anymore, it’s a lot more apparent.
A lot of people with poorly developed social skills like to pretend that poorly developed social skills don’t make them a bad coworker. I don’t think I agree with that.
this is definitely true, but it’s a doubled edged sword, some of the best people in their fields are just complete assholes. Either through time, or ego, sometimes it’s just because they’re too good for the world. Usually, these people are few and far between.
It’s also worth considering how much of the job actually is being socially proficient. In most cases people are willing to put up with people being a little weird and goofy if they’re good at what they do. Sometimes those are the best people. Some of the people i have the most respect for in my life, are the weirdest people i’ve met. Unreasonably kind people, who are a little socially out there, i still really appreciate because they’re genuinely good people. Some of the more unruly people are some of the most interesting, and knowledge people i’ve ever met. They also guarantee a unique perspective on things, which is valuable sometimes.
Different people attract different company, and different people work differently, ultimately the simple rule of getting as many differing points of view on something as possible, still seems to be holding true.
than again, this all depends on the type of team you want. You may want a groundbreaking research team, you may want a greybeard maintenance team, depends on the environment.
production code: “hehe this is running at polynomial scaling”
For instance trans people can’t get passports or renew them meaning they have absolutely no way to leave.
given long enough you can just cross the border and claim asylum
the biggest things in the way here are going to be citizenship, the US has really lax citizenship most of the time, compared to a lot of other countries especially.
And your job, assuming you don’t work in a large national business, or from home, in a way that they’re willing to accommodate.
yeah pretty much.
They say education is the most important thing.
I’m inclined to agree, but we might honestly be past democracy in a post truth world, i’m not sure we deserve the rights we have.
the lid was never on, its just that nobody checked to see if it was, and as a result, here we area now.
personally i like to think of piracy as dissemination of illegal copies for personal gain.
i’ve never used plex or benchmarked it, so it’s possible that it does, i wonder if anybody else has reproduced that behavior, i know a lot of people do plex/jellyfin benchmarks these days. Be surprised if that hadn’t yet happened. It shouldn’t be any faster or slower if you’re using the exact same transcoding settings, it’s all limited by the hardware physically, so it’s possible it was that. Could theoretically be bad drivers, or bad support i guess, but that would be a separate issue.
definitely a possibility, but then again there are several ways of solving this problem, in homelab universal manners, so maybe they should offer a more generic service instead.