Yep but with the limitation that you will only ever have 4 people in one mission besides some special hubs
Yep but with the limitation that you will only ever have 4 people in one mission besides some special hubs
Oh it’s quite different! The gameplay loop is centered around PvE in a cooperative style with a handful of different modes and a ton of different maps. It does take place in space but there are also missions that feel less spacey like the planes of eidolon
Warframe! I haven’t played in a while but the art style and game in general will always have a place in my heart.
Of the ones on your list I have only played mass effect back in the xbox360 days. It was one of the first games I played. Super good memories. I might need to revisit those if my Xbox is still working
Sleeping in your car in public is not allowed in Germany either
Seriously, the drinking part isn’t the problem, it’s the not drinking that’s hard for me
Pure Ethanol isn’t a solution it’s a solvent!
So it’s redundant in P1DT4H? Or is it a mandatory separator between ymd and hms?
Hmm I don’t get the T there tbh
“im” is often used as an abbreviation of “in dem” which is the direct translation of “in the/this” but it is also used as an abbreviation of “in einem” which directly translates to “in a” and somtimes “im” is just translated as “in”
Let’s take “Der Saft ist im Glas” as an example.
If you are trying to say that it is in a specific glass that you could point to, you would use “in dem”. If you are just talking about the general method of storing juice you would either use “im” or to be more precise “in einem”. Using “in einem” tells you that it is in a glass but the actual glass isn’t really specified or relevant right now.
“Der Saft ist in einem Glas” is basically the same as “Der Saft ist im Glas”. But it is very different from “Der Saft ist in dem Glas” which is also basically the same as “Der Saft ist im Glas”.
To translate these:
“Der Saft ist in einem Glas” => “The juice is in a glass”
“Der Saft ist in dem Glas” => “The juice is in the/this glass”
“Der Saft ist im Glas” => “The juice is in the/this glass” or “The juice is in a glass”
As a bonus:
“Das passiert im echten Leben” => “That’s happening in real life”
Always fun to think about the weirdness of my mother tongue :)
Edit: These abbreviations are mostly used when the context already makes it clear which it is going to mean. Otherwise they are just confusing.
BTW you link communities starting with a ! then starting to write the name
Nah just subscribe to ich_iel on feddit.de (how do you link communities here?
Ich = me
iel = im echten Leben = in real life
Hey Vorsicht, nicht dass noch jemand vor lachen störbt
Ja sind wir denn auf nem Amt?
Unit tests are there to get an @ignore annotation!
The argument “you don’t need ubi in a non-capitalist world” doesn’t work in a capitalist framing
But we did it to ourselves and not some weird alien! Hooray!
If it’s actually present in clouds their water will be contaminated as well. They probably have a way lower exposure.
Did you just expect people that call random devs at random times to actually read any information on a website?