Don’t set it to your home path, set the path explicitly. That’ll be what it’s complaining about, the ~.
Formerly /u/neoKushan on reddit
Don’t set it to your home path, set the path explicitly. That’ll be what it’s complaining about, the ~.
It shouldn’t really matter where you’ve got your files as long as they’re mounted on a standard path. Maybe try creating a symlink from where your media is to a standard path like /mnt/media
or something?
Hmm sorry not sure why it would be complaining about an invalid path. Is it all paths that are invalid, or just the ones to your media?
I don’t think you should be getting downvotes for having an opinion and I appreciate your reply.
However I do love a good debate - what’s the advantages for you for installing apps on “bare metal” (I’m assuming you mean a base OS install rather than actual bare metal). What about virtualisation?
I’m also on emby and it works well for me. My main grievance is setting up a new device is a chore, “emby connect” is far too clunky to use so I end up configuring via URL every time - and on some devices that’s a real chore.
What’s wrong with docker?
Let’s not rewrite history, 20 years ago desktop Linux was an absolute shit show.
People keep giving Mozilla shit for taking money from Google, yet they see an ad for a different company and lose their shit.
Am I correct in saying that you’re used to languages that aren’t type safe? Or at least not as strict about it.
Everything you’re describing sounds more like you’re struggling with type safety in general and I wouldn’t say any of those packages are at fault, in fact I’d even go further and say they’re like that by design.
The reason you don’t actually want any of those separate packages to be more interoperable out of the box is because that would couple them together. That would mean dependencies on those packages, it would mean if it wanted to use something else then you’d be a bit stuck.
Like I’d question using a uuid as a salt, like it’s fine and I get why they’re suggesting it, but you can use anything as a salt so why couple yourself to a specific uuid library? Why couple yourself to uuids at all.
Side note: I’m guessing the reason the crate expects you to supply your own salt is because you need to also store the salt next to the password hash, if it generated the salt for you there’s a chance you might ignore the salt and suddenly not be able to validate passwords.
The only way you could make these separate packages work dramatically together and without coupling them would be to use a universal type - probably a byte array - and at that point you lose most of the benefits of a strong type system. What are currently compile errors become runtime errors, which are much worse and harder to diagnose.
My suggestion to you would be to reframe your thinking a little, think less about how you can make different crates speak to each other and more about how you convert from one type to another - once you crack that, all of these integration problems will go away.
Rust is completely correct to be a dick about it as well. Type safety is there for a reason.
Yup I also use ntfy and it’s brilliant, easy to send notification events to it from almost anything and the android app is very responsive.
Another vote for restic, best backup software I’ve ever used.
The point is that Firefox market share isn’t indicative of anything useful.
A better comparison would be something like revenue - if Mozilla makes more money, the CEO can earn more.
Mozilla does a lot more than just Firefox and I’m fact increasing revenue from other sources should have been a priority anyway
I wish people would just stop assuming that we know what every single piece of software is.
This is a privacy oriented and deblobbed web browser based on Mozilla technology. It enables many features upstreamed by the Tor uplift project using preferences from the arkenfox-user.js project. It is compiled from source and proprietary blobs are removed using scripts by Relan from here.
I find jiras search to be decent enough, you might get better results using a filter on sprint name with your current sprint in it.
Honestly 95% of Jira complaints are because people have crap workflows configured. Out of the box Jira is pretty terrible but it’s very customisable and you need to adjust it to suit your needs - and they have to be your needs and workflows.
That being said, there’s that last 5% that Jira just gets in the way. If anyone has ever had multiple teams working on a single product, Jira is very prescribed about how you’re supposed to structure that and If you don’t, it’s a pain.
Stagnation is Mozilla’s MO. Fuck, go look at Thunderbird and be transported back to the 90’s.
Even Microsoft is updating outlook - fucking outlook is innovating, Outlook being the cancer on email that’s held it back for decades, is being updated.
This is the way to do it - actual valid certs, with actual working TLS.
OP’s issue is they don’t understand how SSL works and fighting Firefox, which is actually trying to protect them and steer they e in the right direction.
There’s literally an entire industry of bullshit cables and devices designed to “improve” sound quality that demonstrably does fuck all. That’s enough to tell me that most people saying they can tell the difference are probably full of shit.
Yeah I think your problem was trying to use ~ in a path. That’s a bash thing, not a linux thing - slightly pedantic distinction for many but worth knowing about in case future applications give you a similar problem.