I have a Xiaomi scale connected through an esp Bluetooth proxy. Works pretty well.
I have a Xiaomi scale connected through an esp Bluetooth proxy. Works pretty well.
It’s been a few months but I as far as I remember used all the same mounting options
It’s doing something different, I was using to mount an AWS FSx for ZFS share on a beefy machine (1.2GB/s network throughput) and was getting less than 50MB/s throughput using docker to mount it, but getting the full 1.2GB/s when mounted outside and mapped to a volume in the container.
I found this to be extremely underperforming. If you plan on doing anything that requires high throughput, don’t use the docker NFS operator.
Super easy to solve. Just seta geofence of no hooting. There’s a good reason they hoot in the first place, but it’s not needed in that lot.
I only really have issues when I’m out of the country, especially when I’m back in South Africa
Pretty sure the studio I work at will have layoffs by the end of the year. Fuck Microsoft.
Docker and the docker-compose yaml files. They’ll be invaluable. Compose files allows you to create custom networking and run multiple containers.
Super useful and what most people use to run simple docker workloads.
You don’t have to understand how to create containers, just understand how they work and the commands to use them effectively.
We use zoom for work and I enable my video feed as a full panel like every other participant, only time it feels weird or gets annoying is when there’s only 1 other person on the call and our feeds sit side by side. I don’t like how I look and have anxiety, so I guess I use it to make sure that I don’t look weird or something.
There is always the Network + book. I went through it in 2005, so no idea what the content is like nowadays though
We also use deciliter and centiliters, which is odd for some.
I thought it was a 4th dimension thing?
Everything by voidtools will find it in seconds…
Don’t forget Sweden
Unfortunately inertia presents a problem it’s the same with omnidirectional treadmills. https://youtu.be/fvu5FxKuqdQ
I dunno hey, for some reason an update caused edge to re-enable it’s BS homescreen spam content
Most GPOs just set registry settings. So theoretically you don’t even need pro, just to set the right registry values and write-protect them
I use 2 cloudflare containers that the pihole points to. That gives me DNS over https but it’s more of a mission to set up.
Yep, pretty much. Just get an ESP32 and not an 8266.
I have it plugged into an old Nokia charger and hidden in a cupboard to service all the Bluetooth temperature and door sensors.
When I use the scale it automatically sends the data to HA. Really convenient to use.