Then if the game isn’t ready, storefronts chargeback every purchase of the game**** FTFY
Then if the game isn’t ready, storefronts chargeback every purchase of the game**** FTFY
In theory. In reality it’s not on or off it’s always on and it’s high vs low voltage.
No! bUt ThEy HaVe Ur EmAiL!!!
They do, his take is nonsense and sounds like RP, don’t take it too seriously. Any trained engineer can tell you the historical reasons why we use base 60 for circles. This is actually a well known computer science issue, but not an engineering or math one.
Actual schizo behavior lmao I love the internet.
They’re finally ending the official servers, releasing the source code, and allowing private servers?
Not necessarily, it could be a scripted cutscene to introduce the second act and give you time to swap disks.
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey. Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey.
Laser guided ballistics tank qualification+
Time to switch to dota. Smite 2 also coming out soon…
Scrubquote from a scrub manager from a washed up has-been studio. People avoid your games because they suck, not because of opportunity cost.
Evergreen games cause casual gamers to stay in the market longer and makes them more likely to branch out after self identifying as a “gamer”.
To that end, gaming enthusiasts already move around and engage in other games. Live service games don’t stop them from playing other things.
The player’s job is to play optimally; the rules dictate what is and isn’t optimal play. Not just limited to capitalism, this concept is a big part of game theory.
Perhaps. It most likely is on one of the ones you currently do not have, however there is a small chance it is on one that you currently do have.
Any fantasy by nature must be greater than reality, therefore any reality check must involve some kind of reduction from more fantastic to less fantastic.