the thing about whack a mole is you, the player, do not get to decide if more moles pop up.
also, yeah, i’ve never heard of this and the fuckin piratebay is still up. i literally tell my students to use torrents and a vpn for anything they cant afford and might want to watch for class.
so in 20 years when its released, we’ll have a lukewarm statement on homelessness being “not nice” in a videogame marketed by sexualized trans bodies. awesome, thanks bros
The only reason I have game pass is because I got 6 months free with my new pc.
Yeah, it was just fine. Same as the games, it was okay but seems to hold itself in much higher regard than it should
If this was like $150, I’d definitely buy one
stop ruining the fun, you fun ruiner
They’re the best, they should be the target, and they shouldn’t be responding to takedown requests.