The solution here, I believe, would be to not block them.
The solution here, I believe, would be to not block them.
I… Wanna be in the room where it happens, the room where it happens…
It not a ‘both sides’ thing. It’s a ‘fuck the rich’ thing.
INB4 people try to tell me that their rich politicians are good actually.
Yes, this looks much better. My other thought would be road-rail buses, but getting on/off the tracks might be too much work to be worth the extra flexibility.
That looks horrible. Cramped, the giant windows means it’s hot and the sun is always in your eyes… Any reason they need to only use one rail? We already have road & rail buses, trucks, etc…just use those.
Are we talking brown bears or black bears?
Brown bears are violently territorial and will attack you for being in eyeshot.
Black bears are basically giant racoons and will move away from people - especially if you’re making loud noises and making yourself look big - because they don’t want that smoke. They’ll only get aggressive if you surprise them or get anywhere near their younglings.
I’d probably take a black bear over a lot of dudes. As long as we got a good hundred feet or so of distance, Mr Bear and I ain’t gonna bother each other.
It unironically is.
Posts like the above are why I’m a communist now.
Mass Effect 2 and 3 are up there with some of the best shooters I’ve played. It’s just so smooth. And the weight/CDR system is incredibly simple yet impactful. I’ve played through 3 several times. Yes, the story beats weren’t always great. Still fun.
EDIT: Since we’re posting favorite builds: Sentinel gang. What’s that, I have access to literally everything you need to beat any enemy? Yes please.
This was a hard ‘no’ from me until I read the article. Let’s be honest with ourselves - either we foster these sort of closed gardens or we go play in the infinite shit-filled sandbox the rest of the Internet is becoming. This honestly just sounds like moving to an RSS-only model, which is something I could get behind.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: cars should be mechanically speed-limited, the way they wanted to when cars were first introduced.
Huh, so this + Human Era dating is now my new favorite calender (there’s a sentence lol)
Voted PSL, and yah, I am terrified.
The difference is I am also terrified about what will happen with the Democrats in power. About the unlimited slop being handed to the military-industrial complex so they can ship guns to Israel to continue a genocide. About the crackdown on immigrants and refugees. About the global poor being crushed under the bootheels of American-led capitalism.
To support the Democratic party is to actively decide to place less value on the lives of non-Americans, something I simply cannot do. You want to vote for Harris as harm reduction, be my guest. But understand that the problems facing America cannot, and will not, be solved by voting. Voting should be an absolutely minor thing in the totality of your political actions. Join, start, or support a union. Find what mutual aids groups are nearby, and participate. Join protests. Pressure your local politicians. Support your comrades in their direct action campaigns. Build political power that is under your control, not the control of a system invented in the 1700s by a bunch of wealthy white slaveowners.