You might have success posting here?
You might have success posting here?
I wonder if word order could make this more better. Like, as it is now, the sentence reads the stepmom was using a Stetson hat to step on her stepson. Maybe instead, stepmom with Stetson steps on stepson. Or, stepmom steps on stepson’s Stetson with stilettos.
If you long press on the image, the hover over text will appear.
I feel like I just lost “the game” cuz now I’m remembering goatse. And no, sir, I don’t like it. 🤣
I keep mine at 69! Heheheheheh
Ok, sorry. I’ve ruined your perfectly nice comment with sophomoric humor. I apologize.
Fuck! I fucking love coleslaw!
Hahahahhaha Seriously, though. I’ll take your portions.
That’s certainly more tame than where I expected this to go.
This is what happens when we don’t donate to support a free Wiki.
Or, something.
Every time I start to forget about that video, one o’ you glorious malcontents brings it back to the forefront. And, I couldn’t be happier!
I don’t have the bandwidth now for this, but I’ll watch it later.
Thank you.
Oh god! How many people are commenting something about loss on this post and I had to be, almost literally, smacked on the forehead with it before I got it.
Why am I suddenly interested in US politics? 😁
I was having such a great day not thinking about popcorn flavored jelly beans. 🤢
I’ll call the king!
Ummm… I seem to have misplaced the number.
What do you mean by “right”?
A “right” is guaranteed to us by our government*. People can be shitty to other people because they are also shitty people. Sometimes, there are consequences. Sometimes there are not. But, the government has a mandate they are not allowed to ignore. People can ignore that mandate if they feel they won’t face any repercussions.
Do you want to say “duty”?
People have a moral obligation to be respectful to others. No judge or prosecutor or policeman is going to enforce that upon another citizen.**
*It’s taken, not given.
**Edge cases exist