I prefer writing in “Satan” over leaving it blank
I prefer writing in “Satan” over leaving it blank
I’ve played five and six string basses, but I’ve always owned a four string. I guess I like the punch of a Jazz bass a little better. Especially Ibanez and Peavey Cirrus basses; they’re almost “floppy” sounding to me.
I am, once again, in the only correct corner
Facebook tier
Works great on my phone, too
I miss Joan Cornella
Kester 48 SAC305 or K100LD, depending on the application. If you’re not trying for ROHS compliance, the Kester 44 with 66 Core is very good.
Man fuck that, if I’m in a coma work can suck my dick
All of that notwithstanding, I’d still prefer a matte display.
Murderers have been cancelled
Seitan is cool but I really want to try jack fruit