Is it odd I like this? Would actually like to live in that place.
Is it odd I like this? Would actually like to live in that place.
Yet its more expensive then the normal cheese mix here. Its vile stuff that makes melted plastic seem edible. The “cheese” at 7-11 (that contains no dairy) is 1000 times more cheese then it and is still avoided by most sober people.
Urgh, here in Canada they tried to trick us with “delux” kraft dinner. Velveeta is so bad that I avoid name brand KD to this day due to one time over a decade ago. How in the artificial fuck do americans eat that stuff?
Yes, thank you for putting it in plain language. People are not in a good place all over the world and telling people the economy (markets and stats people no longer have faith in) is great has the opposite effect then what the Dems intended.
This mess stems from a combo of a two party system (you know that thing the US founders warned you about) and a fundamental failure (real or perceived) of society’s ability to reward people fairly. Now you don’t have a middle class to pander to, you just have levels of poor and a few ultra wealthy (both demographics that tend to vote more right then left).
The real telling stat here is women voters. At what point would a woman vote contrary to her own body autonomy, safety and general rights? Like anyone else, when she is poor, hungry and angry.
Both of our nations really need to have some electoral reform.
Best we can do it seems is an “I voted” sticker.
(It was likely already dead in the US, but yeah this might be your “sign”)
Not sure what to tell you, I am in another nation but a similar situation. The state of things is now to the point media is untrusted, nationalism is both here and missing, while people are angry but happy to blame the “other guys”.
Well and so far the popular vote is more red then blue. I think the USA will get the government the voters deserve.
Here’s hoping the rest of the world can not get pulled down.
Not out yet. But you can manually set your clocks and disable boost.
Yay, another Chromium based web browser. That will show them…
Sorry to have to put this out here, but I think this would be less damage as getting hit with a non dick beetle. That dick is more then likely just fiberglass and maybe some wood, making a large “crumple zone”.
I have been thinking on this all day, and can not stop thinking on it.
That’s for the common good
The issue is normalizing the concept that you do not get to control what you paid for. Responsibility has not changed, you can drive your car into a crowded park and would still be guilty of it regardless of how stock it is. If you mod your stuff to be dangerous that would be a crime. In this case would you say that remote starting your car from your phone somehow is a public safety issue? At least if you jailbroke it to work on your own network?
This might shock you but cars where open source for years. Did you think those super detailed shop manuals anyone could buy where not intended to be used to work on the car? How about the massive aftermarket and any and all hot rods? This idea that you can’t fuck with you own stuff because its got a computer in it for “safety” is relatively new. Does no one else remember hooking a laptop up to the old ECUs and modifying how the engine works?
Here is a thing I found after a simple google search. Its not even a good article but hey I spent more time typing this then finding it…
Well it is a computer that people own (even if it is in a car), and at least one person will want to mess with that computer.
Remind me again what assumptions you can make about software integrity if the hardware it runs on is in full possession of a known attacker?
Ah, that explains it then. I have not run in 10 years and would not have thought of that.
Yeah I had a similar experience getting mine shipped to Canada, $30 but another $30ish for shipping. I hope one day they are available easier and everywhere.
The most basic test to separate people from beasts.