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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I think you’re misunderstanding the movie friend and none of this was intended as a “slam” so I’m not sure why you would bring that up anyway.

    I have no intention of rewatching either of those dumpster fires. I do love it that the right sees the Bernie goetz vigilante shit and goes “oh shit that’s the point! We gotta take these probably into our own hands!” And you get white nationalist mass shooters that reference the joker. The left goes “Oh shit this movie delves into the moral failings of a deeply sick modern society and also how money is evil… It must be anti capitalist!” It’s just not, it’s a case study on the moral failings of society through the eyes of the mentally ill, the fact you see it as anti capitalist is your mental illness and that’s the point of the movie.

  • It’s really not though, it’s about modern moral failings and their outcomes that happen to have economic effects and notably none of the issues persued in the movie are exclusive to capitalist models.

    The Batman universe is to some degree anti capitalist but the protagonist being one of the richest people in the planet who cannonically got that money by theft, violence and arms dealing kinda cancels that out.

    You can read what you want into it but it specifically was not anti capitalist. It’s outright glorification of the Bernie geatz model, ie. A crybaby lower middle class white man who goes bat shit on the subway and blames literally everyone else but himself.

    Similarly Bernie geatz was very much a capitalist.

  • The joker is the worst one to use here regardless of the universe you use. In that particular universe he’s more akin to the weird fucking red pill/mra movement than an anti capitalist since he was loosely based on Bernie geatz. It’s why the maga sphere went crazy for what was a series of terrible movies that they entirely miss the point of.

  • Fleeing the conversation like you fled your country huh?

    You’re a Russian apologist that’s too cowardly to defend his claimed country and instead sit and moralize about how it’s Ukraines fault there’s no peace. There is no us, you don’t have a country. You’re a redcoat in America circa 1775 you may have lived in America but you’d never be American.

    You’ve given yourself away. Remind me who did Romania fight with and for in WW2? I’ll give you a hint they were fascists with snazzy boots. So remind me again, if Romania isn’t evil because of its wartime stance, how can you call the country you claim evil.

    I don’t enjoy people no, but I can empathize and I support Ukraine in fighting. I didn’t support cowardly moralizing nitwits like you.

    Yes, people dodging the draft take risks mostly because the regular border crossings are IN A FUCKING WARZONE WITHOUT MOST OF IT’S CROSSINGS.

  • Again that’s an inference, that’s at best secondary evidence it’s not proof.

    Yes, the benefit of a doubt. Oh so you’re such a coward you left your family to the slaughter but deign to moralize from your age space. I can fear anal probing because I’ve seen a convincing video or two, it doesn’t make it rational and it doesn’t make it reality. You’re afraid of something that isn’t proven and implying that the war can stop if Ukraine simply stops fighting and accepts Russian demands that’s Russian sympathizing. You’ve a rapist mentality about it like oh if Ukraine would have just accepted unreasonable demands they wouldn’t have had what’s coming to them. You’re faking a Ukrainian story, don’t try to high horse me shitheel.

    If it’s happening sure, I have more empathy for those that have died today while you sit here talking shit on your claimed country and appologise for Russian invasions. “Oh look no one got hurt the first time”“of yeah people got hurt but they weren’t really people right”

    Don’t call yourself Ukrainian anymore.

  • Madison420@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlA new country in the world!
    7 months ago

    I’m saying they’ve been grabbing people off the street by random military dudes into band since day one. You see secondhand accounts and videos with no real context and jump to slave fighters.

    You. Are. Not. Ukrainian. Even if your bullshit story is true, coward turncoats ain’t get to call themselves Ukrainian especially while calling a wartime government authoritarian as though that’s an insult to a country at war. Sniveling little Russian apologists don’t get to call themselves Ukrainian, the best thing you get to call yourself is stateless because I hate to tell you they don’t want cowards back. You had your moral choice and chose to save your neck and leave you don’t get to stand here on the outside moralizing and hand wringing.

  • You kinda don’t understand most things. I’ll make it simple, where in my words did I say “cede territory” in that comment. Point even to where the word territory appeared in it.

    Ed: I’ll help, this comment. https://lemmy.world/comment/11819058

    Find “cede territory” or “territory” mentioned at all in that entire comment.

    Your plan to stop the war is “stop grabbing people off the street”, you say the military is almost all forced fighters and would then flee. If there is no more military how do you expect resistance to be offered? Magic, are we to call Merlin? Dog meat? Pray real hard? What?

  • Madison420@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlA new country in the world!
    7 months ago

    No I expect the crazy amount of journalists embedded with Ukrainian forces to uncover this incredibly high percentage of virtual slaves shackled and thrown into the trenches with merely a stick and their wits. If it’s as high as you say it is at least one would speak up, maybe they will if it exists. But they haven’t have they?

    Yeah, they’re armed military forces in local offices during war. They’re going to do other jobs and it would be easier to grab a partisan by implying it might be a draft thing and not a “you’re a fucking spy and saboteur, enjoy prison then the rope” thing.

  • Madison420@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlA new country in the world!
    7 months ago

    No, read the comment again. I asked you to point out where in my relevant comment the phrase “cede territory” exists. You keep quoting your source, I’m not asking for where in the greater universe the phrase exists but rather one specific and specified place. Please, point it out.

    You are. Your dipshit theory is that the invader if offered zero resistance will simply stop invading out of the good of their heart even though but your source the only reason Russia is in the country killing kids is to pressure Ukraine to not join NATO.

    If that isn’t excusing murderous colonial fucking intent I don’t know what is.

  • Madison420@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlA new country in the world!
    7 months ago

    Because they aren’t firsthand. You have videos without context. Not one single person who got grabbed is in any of those, the best you have is secondhand accounts of what people hear and then recount. You’re taking those two and saying something is definitely happening and Ukraine is the devil worse so by your account then these kid killing invaders. Not possibly happening, not maybe but definitely.

    We figured that out already, you mass quote and don’t double couch or page break because clearly you’re a psychopath. Again “nuh uh” is not an argument.

    It is true, people leave though North Korea has always had a no emmigration policy. Remind me, is North Korea at war or are we intentionally picking dramatic examples. You’ve yet to pick that country so we can talk about how wartime governments are almost always authoritarian by necessity and why.

    They are just as free as any other person you know aside from the whole having to dodge landmines, tanks, infantry, air cover, spy programs, drones… But remind me, we people like yourself free to leave the country before the invasion of a sovereign nation? Remember your dramatic escape necessitates your answer.

    Ed: there you go, you might edit all your comments but you have to be smart enough to catch the admissions as well.

    I ask:

    Again what nation did you flee?

    You respond:

    Isn’t it obvious that it is Ukraine?

    You claim you fled, you moved you dramatic bitch.