A haiku for you:
Tabs or four spaces
Never a semicolon
Broken in spirit
A haiku for you:
Tabs or four spaces
Never a semicolon
Broken in spirit
I love to see the progress the Gnome team is making.
I try to shut up about it, but I feel that Linux has the superior desktop experience now across pretty much every aspect (both on Gnome and KDE, honestly).
I mean, not quite every project. Some of my projects have been turned off for not being useful enough before they had time to get that bad. Lol.
I suppose you covered that with given time, though.
But that’s still pretty damn impressive for a machine.
Yeah. I’m so dang cranky about all the overselling, that how cool I think this stuff is often gets lost.
300 lines of boring code from thin air is genuinely cool, and gives me more time to tear my hair out over deployment problems.
without exposing your entire database to the open web until well after your payment to us has cleared, so it’s fine.
Note: A more updated picture is not available, as we never found his ultra compressed remains.
Damn. These kids need to wake up and stop getting ripped off. Salary range in the listing is the law in many states now and much of the world.
It’s basic self respect to expect it in the listing, and ask why it’s not there, when it’s missing.
Nested tables is the best I can do…
Always spend at least 20% of the time on stuff you know is necessary, but will never be prioritized by marketing heads.
This is the way.
Leadership: Please don’t prioritize code cleanup, we have critical features we need to release.
Me: Oh. I didn’t realize you were taking ownership of (complex code no one wants to be associated with). I’ve got diagrams I can send you.
Leadership: No, that’s still yours. We just need you to focus on these features, and not any planned maintenance, for just the next sprint.
Me: So you’ll take over guiding maintenance on (complex source code no one wants to get near)? I can send you the backlog for your project plans…
Leadership: That’s not what we’re saying. Please just prioritize the feature.
Me: Oh. Sure. I will prioritize that feature, and I’ll only do the bare minimum cleanup that can’t be avoided, right now. (Which will turn out to be however much cleanup I damn well please, because their eyes glaze over if I explain it, anyway.)
Leadership: Now you’re getting it!
Me: Gee whiz. Thanks for talking it through with me.
So…my process (which you just accurately described) could be replaced by an LLM, after all? Hooray! Monkey feed isn’t too expensive, but a million mouths is still a million mouths.
I love that Lemmy finally has the kinds of communities appropriate to value a request for a sorting algorithm diagram dedicated to the King of Pop’s pet monkey!
(Just trying to do my part…)
I agree Valve should do all of this, but realistically I think only the controller (and the price) really makes or breaks the Steam Machine. It needs to be just good enough, and it needs to be available.
I want four good controllers to play some couch co-op out of my SteamDeck Library, so I need to not hear that there’s a waiting list for controllers.
I don’t necessarily need a whole new era of advanced gaming, and I suspect putting crazy nice hardware inside would be a mistake (if it drives the price sky high). Valve can afford to let PlayStation continue to own the high end graphics market, and let Xbox continue to rule over the game of the month club.
Valve just needs to support my never quite getting around to playing all of my impulse-buy indie games, on my TV set and surround sound speakers.
And yeah, if they release a beefier model in about 3 years, I’ll probably upgrade.
Oh. Now I get it. Thanks.
This is photoshopped, right?
Intellectually, I know this is about more than my ability to play Gauntlet:Dark Legacy, again on new hardware.
But in my heart, I suspect the developers are working under a poster of Valkyrie with the words “Do it for her” written across the top.
The Pirate’s Code Style and Documentation Standard…be more like guidelines.
Great question. I’m not OP. But a bunch come to mind.
Disclaimer: Even in recent classic eras of science fiction, it wouldn’t have been safe for authors (who need publisher trust to buy food) to get diagnosed as neurodivergent, so I feel like we’re left with wether neurodivergent individuals embrace their work, rather than if the author ever acknowledged any personal neurodivergence.
Disclaimer: I’m not neurodivergent. I don’t feel safe seeking a diagnosis. And things aren’t binary, so what the hell. I do acknowledge it’s interesting that I relate strongly with a bunch of these characters, and can bring them to memory quickly as some of my favorites…
With that disclaimed:
Edit: As others have mentioned, Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, of course!
Nano users unite and edit a few lines of code, but that’s it.
I would pay for that on a shirt. That’s really good.
I too am in favor of these two completely separate events. But I would settle for tax reform and repealing citizens United.