The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.
I’m not trying to bust your chops or anything.
didn’t take it as such, no worries. We cool? :)
And I bet the whole “'murica” stuff is quiiite a bit more prevalent.
Aaaaanyhoo, feels like these kinda drunklol games are pretty much just youtuber/streamer-bait for cheap giggles - and I do watch quite a bit of gaming content so these things are kinda inescapable. Oh well. Old man yells at cloud. :P
Just because “when finland -> lol alcoholism”, I get that it’s a self-deprecating joke and all that, but… we could have other jokes too, maybe? :P
I don’t mind the games, let peeps have their fun.
edit: what I called “weird”, is probably better put as “…this thing, again”. I guess.
well, ofc I can only speak on my own point of view, as a finn, the fairly prominent “lol drunk” -memery in games feels a bit weird. If that was what you were asking.
So many “drinking-games”: Obenseuer, Finnish Cottage simulator, My Summer Car, Finnish Cabin Mayhem/Mökkimähinä… probably forgetting a few… and now Drunkard Simulator and Last Drop?
Self-deprecating humor and all that, but… this starts to feel a bit weird :|
I’ll preface this with the fact that I don’t know the game, but looking at the system requirements on steam, both of those systems are below minimum spec.
Also, it would probably help if the macbook actually was on fedora 41, it reads 40 in the screenshot - so maybe try upgrading that one, since the game runs on the system with actual fedora 41?
eyyyy, World Class Leaderboard, one of the first games I ever had on PC. Got fond memories of that - but rose tinted glasses didn’t survive revisit in dosbox x)
This game looks neat tho. Might pick it up!
awww. I somehow thought it was coming in 6.13 (which is in testing -repos for arch atm), oh well.
Either way, seems like good stuff for gaming and - hopefully - productivity apps.
Is it just one guy’s project though? that kind of thing worries me in an xkcd #2347 kind of way.
honestly I don’t know. That’s a fair point, though I don’t really consider proton-ge to be mission critical by any means.
Oh, but you might finally play some of those untouched games in your library, so there’s that.
(X) to doubt.
When there’s a call for action, Avengers assemble, do nerds compile?
proton ge is actively maintained: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom - same guy that maintains nobara linux.
it’s essentially proton experimental with extra patches and more up to date dxvk etc etc. While it is the bleeding edge of proton experimental, and all the other components, it’s pretty stable in my experience. But as always: experimenting with different proton versions is key, what works - works.
As cool as this is, to me this just screams security issues. If scripting in PDF can run doom, it can be (and is) used for nefarious purposes. Wasn’t eg. LTT’s channel compromized because of a PDF with some nasty stuff in it?
Been waiting this feature to drop for ages, the average improvement seems to be pretty bonkers.
Hoping this would fix some of the issues I’m having with games stuttering a bit, most notably Darktide.
since proton experimental works better (as in, works, but bad performance), are you on a distro which has proton-ge-custom available? Eg. on arch (and adjacent) https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/proton-ge-custom-bin / https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom is pretty baller. No idea if other distros have it packaged.
The github page does have the compiled version available under releases, but as for what you’d need to do to get it to steam requires some manual work, afaik. I’ve only used the packaged version.
The TLDR about proton-ge-custom is that it incorporates a lot of patches, newer dxvk, etc, bells and whistles and all that. Might work better than proton experimental, might not. Worth a try?
same, same. Had some cheap laughs with it around the time of release - got horribly drunk, peed out of the van’s window - at obscene speeds on dirt road, died several times… good times.
But actually building the car? Yea nah, that’s some arcane arts to me, don’t know much about cars beyond the surface level.
probably asking the obvious, but you did the … whatever mkinitcpio does, after changing the module’s config? Totally derped with that myself and wondered why my new settings didn’t take x)
try disabling the gsp, helped a lot with weird stutters on my system (kde/plasma, wayland, 3090, 565 driver).
IIRC it was just setting NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0
to nvidia module
edit: only works for the regular nvidia driver, not for nvidia-open
Yea, using wayland. 2 displays too, 120 and 60 Hz.
hopefully this ends up helping the desktop experience as well. I’ve been disabling the GSP for the nvidia driver because it seems to introduce weird stutter to my desktop (kde/plasma). And switching to nvidia-open just has the stutter all the time (because can’t disable the GSP).
On that note, what is the gsp even for?