Needs some of that cocoa butter
Needs some of that cocoa butter
And I would say that almost everything Stephen Wright did was a shower thought. But you and I may disagree and still be friends.
Glory to you - and to your house!
(I have no idea what I’m doing)
Heinous Products
USA!!! Bread and Circuses.
Get up on the floor and get down.
Turn up the A/C. Am I…
The debate continues to rage (in our house)
All that for JUST NETFLIX. What incredible bullshit people are having to deal with.
I think conversion from matter to energy and back again seems extreme. Maybe it’s just matter to matter but something quantum level.
So they’re using several hiroshima’s or nagasaki’s worth of nuclear bomb’s energy to produce a cup of Earl Gray, hot? Seems like using garbage or human waste would save a lot of energy?
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the power required to produce a small amount of matter?
While we’re at it, is a transporter actually transporting me? Or is it technically really replicating me?
Because what I assumed was happening was they essentially had a transporter like device that would take some matter (say a big pile of human dung) transport it (i.e, convert it into the atoms/energy/whatever the transporter uses run it through a pattern buffer that’s stored in the transporter for say, Earl Gray hot) and beam it into the Captain’s quarters as Earl Gray hot instead of poop.
I mean, the replicator is making food out of SOMETHING. I’m guessing it’s some kind of waste produce from the engine room. It needs matter to operate. It can’t create ex-nihilo.
Block scripts, using whatever you want to use. I use Brave (queue criticism)
The moose is tightening.
Only $83.5k a month
I think he means their cops won’t arrest you for drinking younger.
Yes, I know about our backward ass country. The United States of America: where you may fight and die in a war at 18 but can’t have a drink.
Planet = 76 years - Dwarf = 19 years
Planet wins. Dwarf can’t even drink yet.
How about claiming Gaza before the corpse is cold?
What a fucking country.