Every day I inch closer and closer to setting up my own plex server (or something else if there’s a better alternative idk)
but the term “raspberry pi” makes me scared and confused
Every day I inch closer and closer to setting up my own plex server (or something else if there’s a better alternative idk)
but the term “raspberry pi” makes me scared and confused
Yes genocide is bad but have you heard of double genocide? But wait what if triple genocide was on the ballot? Well then you’re morally obligated to vote for double genocide. B-but now quadruple genocide is on the ballot. Well shit time to shame everyone for not voting triple genocide because everyone knows 4 is worse than 3 it’s simple math losers
Yeah and their corporate owners aren’t going to back an environmental anti war candidate
Yeah absolutely how can I ever vote against war and imperialism if both parties are in favor of giving endless money to defense contractors? You’re basically saying I have to force myself to vote for the American military death machine in every single election or I’m a bad person and maybe you have a point but if you have to make that argument I think you should have a long look in the mirror
Gore won the vote. The election was stolen by the supreme court and Roger Stone it was not the fault of a 3rd party at all if the law had been followed gore would have been given Florida https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot
That takes money, lots of it and the 2 main parties have huge corporate donors who will never give money to an environmental party
Whoever splits to the left will just be considered the new “spoiler 3rd party” by the mainstream liberals
The Republicans move right during the general, and are sometimes pulled that way by the libertarian candidate (or rfk jr). The Dems usually don’t get pulled left because they’re so focused on moving to the right during the general to try to get the moderate republican vote
Status quo lover over here what world are you livin in
Big money donors will never allow green candidates to get into significant office. Money runs politics and billionaires own entire state houses these days
Palestinian culture is also derived from canaanite culture. Arabs are semitic people and follow abrahamic traditions. When places get conquered usually the ruling class changes but the lower class people stay in their homes and just change language/religion/identity. Usually the new rulers don’t try to completely wipe out the inhabitants of their new land the way israel is doing with Palestinians
The Palestinians are descendants of the ancient canaanites. Most of the people in that region never left they just changed their religion at some point. This hasn’t always been happening, in Ottoman times Christians Jews and Muslims peacefully coexisted in the region.
One group was actually living there and the other group moved in and literally ripped people from their homes.
Please lead by example
Money is power. The people with the most money have the most power and therefore bear the most responsibility for the way things are
Look at the veil on her head dude, it’s translucent.
This painting is a masterpiece