That would be an extraordinarily rude response to those statements and I would seek to stay way the fuck away from anyone with that obvious of a behavioral issue.
That would be an extraordinarily rude response to those statements and I would seek to stay way the fuck away from anyone with that obvious of a behavioral issue.
“I drink infrequently”
“I drink a few drinks a month”
“I dont drink more than a few times a year.”
Nah, there are lots of ways to do this
Go read all of Matthew 10. It might take 2 minutes tops. It’s very clear. It isn’t violent in a “imma kick your ass violent” it is about breaking apart families that refuse to follow Christ which IMO is a different problem.
John 14 makes sense in context and at the time it was written the Church was poor.
I think your perception of John is colored by a misunderstanding if the place slaves had in society and how they were viewed. Jewish slavery laws are NOTHING like chattel slavery. Slaves were humans and while less than their master it isn’t as evil as a modern American might think. Literally every society had slavery at this time.
The don’t look off to you because you don’t see them in their fuller context and you seem to not understand how specific things like slavery were different.
That’s my understanding for mostcultures outside of cultures like the Inuit who died younger due to the lack of plants in the extremes they lived in.
Your posts are proof you have an axe to grind and hold illogical views. You are writing off all the events of the Bible because you have decided that your bias is truth when we don’t know what the truth is. That’s not an indicator for being informed on a subject.
In this case Im not though. You just have an axe to grind against Israel and take that to an extremely illogical and uninformed direction.
Source for life expectancy being much shorter?
First no you don’t know this otherwise you wouldn’t be making such an overtly ignorant claim.
We have no idea if it is a fabrication. We have no evidence that supports the idea that Hebrews and Judeans were enslaved by Egypt but we have nothing that refutes it either. Most of the forms of evidence you would expect to find would not survive thousands of years. We suspect it did not happen but we don’t know.
Why would it matter? Most nations and people have inaccurate understandings of themselves and theor neighbors unless you have a very specific axe to grind .
There’s a fantastic book called “Lamb” that is all about this from the perspective of Christ’s bestie Biff. It’s hilarious.
Those events would have been centuries apart. This is like saying that because Romulus and Remus weren’t raised by a she-wolf you don’t believe in Rome.
I figure if you look at the Mizrahi Jews from Morocco he looked like that.
Sicilians weren’t seen as Italians by other Italians because Arabs had held Sicily for centuries. This is also why some did not see the Spanish as white.
My grandmother’s mortgage paper from 1955 had a clause to check to see if the Italian quota had been hit before offering the home for sale to Italians. Of course you couldn’t sell to black or Jewish people. This was in Northern NJ.
The Ashkenazi Jews seem to have bred with people in the area of Russia/Ukraine millennia ago and that’s why you have more Eastern European looking Jewish people. It isn’t because of climate per se.
This is more “there’s thousands of people following a guy who was crucified named Yeshua” vs “we have proof of a guy named Yeshua”.
What historians seemingly agree upon is that there was a guy who preached something that was probably reformist in nature named Yeshua. We don’t have much more than that.
I grew up Christian and no longer believe but with the exception of Matthew 15:21-28, which you only quote a piece of, you are taking these out of context.
Matthew 10 is Jesus sending his apostles to preach his word. The bit about not bringing peace but a sword is a reference to the changes he promised and the suffering he tells the apostles they will face for preaching his word. This is also where Jesus tells them to separate from family that turns their back on Jesus’ word.
It’s not an endorsement of violence.
John 14:6 is properly read in context. You cannot follow a path different than the one Christ set and get to heaven. The guy who constantly steals, cheats, abuses people, and only pursues wealth or the praise of others isn’t a “good guy” in most religions. This isn’t as controversial as you make it out to be.
Luke 12:47-48 is part of a parable which discusses how since you cannot know when Jesus would return you always need to be ready.
This isn’t an endorsement of slavery nor is it a refutation of it, rather, it is part of a metaphor and wasn’t taken literally. If you got this one off a website or infographic rather than your own knowledge of the texts it’s a trash tier source. If this came from your own knowledge WTF this is one of the most famous passages in the whole book you shouldn’t be fucking this one up if you know the NT.
The last part is the only thing actually taken correctly in context. Jesus wasn’t there for the gentiles. The idea he was here for all comes from all the Paul related writings aka the gentile who never met Jesus IRL.
When you see something that looks as off as these quotes do you should look at the larger passage because they rarely mean what the atheists think they do.
Do you think Ancient Jewish people were black? Have you ever met anyone who lives around the Mediterranean? He would look like a version of that guy who worked outdoors. He was from the Levant not sub-Saharan Africa. He wouldn’t be “black” rather he would be seen as Middle Eastern.
We have no idea if he was apocalyptic. We suspect he was a reformer as reformist movements were popular at the time.
The major update a few months back added more depth. Im having fun with it
Early 1990s and my boarding school taught it but not the public school.
I think you need to learn what non-problematic drinking is. Most people do not have a problem and your responses ITT are quite childish and ignorant