When I play it’s usually solo games, and I never had an issue with 20fps+ . If performance drops below that, I’m visually ok with 16fps, but usually at that range my system is struggling with game mechanics and that’s the deal breaker for me
When I play it’s usually solo games, and I never had an issue with 20fps+ . If performance drops below that, I’m visually ok with 16fps, but usually at that range my system is struggling with game mechanics and that’s the deal breaker for me
I’m extremely OOTL here. Bit.ly rings a bell but I can’t tell if I interact with it or how. Guess I’ll find out when I see the ads
Oh so this is their business model now, interesting.
Many big studios use linux (red hat or rocky, although I’m not sure what is the industry standard distro nowadays) for their 3d side of the pipeline, that would include all of that software and more. I think Zbrush is the only one that doesn’t have official Linux compatibility and the hardest one to run, but don’t quote me on that.
You are right in that finding good support for issues that pop up in Linux is hard, especially for the average joe that doesn’t have a team of specialized IT support. But when you make things work, the results are way more efficient.
Not a showerthought, this community could really improve its moderation. I volunteer if you’re short on mods
I’ve never experienced the brain freeze, but sometimes when eating too much of something too cold I do feel pain in my gums/ inside my teeth. Most of the times chewing ice isn’t a problem for me.
Maybe cause it’s just an opinion, not a showerthought
Being conventionally attractive refers to physical appearance, not personality or subculture
Sucks but understandable. Give the Archive a rest. Boycott Hachette
Then I’m confused - sorry for being this slow- how is this supposed to affect him or his followers?
This is very true, and also, the reverse is true as well: your bloodline can end yet you can still be remembered if you did something remarkable enough. I’m sure there are tons of well known figures in history whose bloodlines are no more today
All this is very intriguing to say the least but I’m not sure I’m following the information correctly- have these users been doxxed or is this just a temporary blow to Tate’s pockets?
Well it’s listing only one game per year and BG seems to be the winner for 2023.
I didn’t know BAFTA awarded videogames too. TIL
I’m not sure. Maybe, for a small minority of people, that’s the case. But for most… The reason they flocked there first, while there were plenty of fediverse options already, wasn’t lack of ads. It was the opposite, ads from a platform with ads that led most people to threads in the first place.
Add Periodical to the list. Data stored locally, and you can export it and transfer it to your new device in a .json file.
Wow I would have thought if everyone had food and shelter then we would have more pornography, not less. And I’d also wager we would have better quality porn too. Along with better quality of a lot of other things really
I know OP has a point that they weren’t asking your opinion on games, but I really like your stance of demanding performance from the game devs especially on older hardware. There is a culture of "must have newest hardware to run everything maxed " that’s just dumb consumerism.