Is Shaka Ponk metal? Probably
Is Shaka Ponk metal? Probably
Is sleeping in your car being illegal some sort of FREEDOM©®™ thing that I’m way too European to understand?
Sorted that headline for ya
I was 30 when Far Cry came out
Yeah I’ll buy the next one
More like a bunch of folk who were turfed out of Europe for being a bit too religiously weird
That takes some doing in the 16th century 😂
I always assume people who end statements with question marks talk like David from Schitt’s Creek?
leaked by retailer
Just say fuckin “advertised” smh
Why I don’t watch YouTube videos -
It’s 8 minutes long and contains less than a minute’s worth of information, and is a complete waste of time
Newcastle Summer?
Beer that tastes like rain, wet sausage rolls and tracksuit armpits, I’m guessing
American pizza= more greasy than Italian pizza. That’s why you think it tastes better
No, there’s no point pretending they’re not fat cunts as well
But we’re pretending they don’t consume vast amounts of spices too. They’re fat smelly cunts tbh
And how, in your wee head, does the fact that it came about due to colonisation make it not British?
American modern beers - Just keep throwing hops at it until it stops tasting like piss. Doesn’t matter if it tastes more like a bunch of daffodils than beer, we’ll just call it “craft” 😂
Bri’ish food is some of the best in the world too. Because we know how to use spices and not high fructose corn syrup
Meanwhile yanks with their two spices - butter and sugar
“Our food is the tastiest in the wuuuurld”
Aye but yous can’t afford that coronary eh mate 😂
Haute Savoie - “Am I a joke to you?”
When you actually do the calculations… Even just taking a rough “6 kids per 100,000” killed with firearms, doesn’t sound too bad no?
That’s about 20,000 KIDS killed per year
Christ on a bike
Weird how when I see a moronic thumbnail on a YT link, I just automatically downvote 🤔