If only you could prepare food in some sort of edible wrapper so that it stayed contained as you move from one location to another or could be launched from a truck on the move… hang on! I have an idea!
If only you could prepare food in some sort of edible wrapper so that it stayed contained as you move from one location to another or could be launched from a truck on the move… hang on! I have an idea!
To be fair, there are significant differences between the German Yolf and the Golf of America
Before I zoomed in, I thought it was a library checkout card.
I think hair might be accessory to the nature of “roof”. Hair is more the chimney of the mouth.
That would also mean that all IT problems are caused by turning something off and on again at some level.
Also in low light, our eyes are more sensitive to blue light, so moonlight (though not necessarily the moon itself) appears bluer than sunlight. Especially in contrast to nearby fire and coals.
The Magic School Bus is an affront to God™ because it contains both evil magics and education.
Then why is the acronym in American then. There ain’t no countries in the EU that speak American. /s
I just lost “the game”
For better or for worse, the one on the right gave us the one on the left.
No it doesn’t. I feel fi…💥
No matter how endless or insufferable people might be, that job may still be preferable for someone than the alternative opportunities available.
99% invisible did an episode on the rise and fall of the laugh track
Edit: whoops, I guess it was featured episode of decoder ring
I think it’s more to do with app switching without having to reload or losing your state in minimized apps.
There used to be a pothole in front of my house that always came back. It was at a low spot and sent waves of salty runoff into my yard in the winter every time someone drove through it.
During Covid I while I was working from home, I watched as some workers rolled up in a pickup truck, hopped out of the bed with two 5-gallon buckets of cold patch, and just dumped it into the puddle that was the pothole, loosely spread it around with a rake, hopped back in the truck and left. All within like 2 minutes. A few days later. Someone must have come by to actually top it off and tamp it down, but within days if not hours my yard and the sidewalk were full of little black pebble that had been splashed out.