No nipple to tweak? No deal!
No nipple to tweak? No deal!
More like 12 hours away.
Never had a better cheesesteak than that little hole-in-the-wall shop in a small town in West Virginia. Grumpy ass old man who ran the place, but he ran it right.
I thought he was Egyptian.
I would go ahead and grab them, especially if they’re also still on sale, as a lot is unlocked immediately(the three masteries, you can enter Forgotten Gods content at any point by talking to an NPC. AoM requires beating the base game to start its act).
I highly recommend grabbing at least Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods ASAP, if you find yourself enjoying the base game. Inquistor, Necromancer, and Oathkeeper really add to the build variety, and the expansion content itself is decently hefty and as well written as the base(which is absolutely great, especially for an ARPG. Dig into those lore notes you find!).
Proserpina may want to have words with you.
That image sums up the entirety of the series. You’ll say it every other page.
This is also the comic series that gave us Snowflame, who consumes extreme amounts of cocaine, which gives him his powers.
New Guardians was not a good series, but it’s funny as fuck in all the worst ways while also trying to deal with serious topics like “I’m gay, and have AIDs”.
He doesn’t have time for self improvement.
He just works.
That works out what I’m doing with my upcoming days off.
They’ve been at it with this for a minute. I think Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate was the first one I really noticed it in when it was pushing a map that showed you all the locations for one collectible.
So they can turn around and sell you the cheats through an online store.
Don’t want to just giving yourself everything, gotta fork over even more if you want that pretty sword, or a collectibles map.
I’d love that, but a part of me is worried about Second Son feeling clunky in sections from having to either translate the motion and touchpad controls to another controller or keyboard, or they’d have to cut the interactive bits into animations.
I’m kinda terrified of an Oppenheimer beyblade.
Those things are already kinda scary, if they get up to the right speeds. Probably won’t break a bone, but some of them shoot out of that arena damn quick, and some can get heavy as hell for a spinning top toy. Pretty durable, too.
So long as you know you aren’t dealing with an expert, confidence in your nonsense will get you impressively far.
Has Phoenix Wright been a documentary about the Japanese legal system this entire time, and we just wrote it off?
Vampire Survivors has got me back in its grip. The Ode to Castlevania DLC dropped on Halloween. I really don’t understand where the time goes when I play that game.
Also picked up Webfishing, an absolutely adorable time. I don’t know that I really consider it “playing”, the actual gameplay is pretty basic, but I’ve enjoyed the peaceful nature of it and have had fun just chatting.
This is seriously dating myself, and probably hyper-specific, but it feels more like chatrooms back in the late 90s to early 2000s. Most of the rooms I’ve been in have been relaxed. Having a talk about life while someone strums “Simple and Clean” on a guitar somewhere in the background. A bit of roleplay going on.
The small lobbies, the small map, the chill gameplay, all makes for a cozy, welcoming place. Like you really did just stumble across someone’s campsite, and they invited you to sit.
I mean, have you looked at HoI4 lately?
Look, I get it, but the state of DLC in Paradox games has moved beyond even the memes. I think they took those as inspiration. There’s a fucking monthly pass now!
I deeply enjoy their games, but the DLC bloat confounds me.
This is what happens when you take things away. Used to be you’d just levitate yourself wherever you needed to go.
Then there’s Fallout. Who needs horses? Courier can carry themself and 400 pounds of Sunset Sarsaparilla up a damn near vertical cliff face if you do the side-to-side.
Apparently it’s 6,500 files.
Also not the only one.