The problem I had with no man’s sky is that a large amount of the out of proportion expectations were a direct result of the developers over promising, rather than consumers just being over hyped.
Read my Work ➡️ https://farrellperks.substack.com/ And Here ➡️ https://bylines.cymru/author/farrell-perks/
The problem I had with no man’s sky is that a large amount of the out of proportion expectations were a direct result of the developers over promising, rather than consumers just being over hyped.
Absolutely sound logic though.
I can’t say I have, I’ll put it on my reading list.
Appreciate it, just glad I could explain my view point.
I’m conscious of the rules in this community, so I won’t post it here but if you look in my profile you’ll see my work, thank you though, for enquiring – means a lot.
I can’t speak for everyone else, but I wrote about this exact thing recently (Rainbow Washing & False support of Pride by Corporations/Politicians for financial gain etc)
I absolutely scrutinise all the other forms of corporate ass-holery too. The only difference, that I feel anyhow, is it’s considerably easier to point out the stark contrast between certain corporate actions during pride month, and their actions outside of pride month. It’s a unique situation where we haven’t been experiencing this for so long that it’s simply business as usual.
For me, it’s not a question of hating pride and using this as a means to push through hateful rhetoric – It’s definitely just a case of tackling one thing at a time. Though I absolutely will concede that you’re more than likely correct in your assumption that social conservatives will attempt to hinder the pride movement by wrapping up their bullshit rhetoric and policy in social justice.
You know it’s bad when the almost constantly unhinged ‘Empress’ is the one speaking sense.
They also actively ignore those ‘No licence needed’ declarations, I’ve submitted three, two online and one by mail and they still routinely threaten to show up on my doorstep ‘any day now’
Why ask me to declare it if you’re going to ignore that? There’s probably cause for a complaint there but I’d rather not waste the oxygen.