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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • My theory is the following, i think what saved the US from being stuck on cold war propaganda was the internet. For a long time the US was truly great. It was a steadfast ally, a reliable trade partner and it helped rebuild the EU post WW2. It had railroads everywhere, cable cars everywhere, struggled and won against prohibition and oligarchs, treading ground on worker’s rights and rights of minorities.

    Then the cold war came and things went seriously downhill. Because of the cold war a lot of things were done in secret and a lot was invested in propaganda. Corporations were allowed to do many things in secret. People in the US were told they were the best at everything and everyone else sucked. They never heard what the world really did think of them, only here and there by immigrants, who were seen as an inferior class anyway.

    Then the internet came and finally the US heard what the world thinks of them and boy, it wasn’t pretty. Took a while too, many places didn’t have the infrastructure ready. The world wasn’t happy, the US had been doing very bad things in secret and so, US people finally saw what their country leaders had been doing.

    The US isn’t a hopeless case but the US is at war with itself. A war that started in the 1800s and still rages on against an oligarch class that managed to inflitrate itself within the higher echelons of the government. Who took their railways away and their cable cars. Who took their days off and their workers rights and in some cases, even took away their right to strike (like the railroad workers).

    They can’t vote their way out of this, both parties are deeply corrupt. The ones that could stop it, the regulatory agencies, are currently being gutted out. Now is a critical time for the US to change and make regulatory organs apolitical and independent from the executive branch. What is done now will define if the US will become an oligarchic dystopia or will return to its roots. I believe the destruction caused by Trump will invariably lead to the demise of the oligarchy, for oligarchy persists in denial and secret and what Trump is doing is reckless and obvious. But a time of shame has come to the US for what has been done.

    Once people in the US realize that the bipartisan struggle is an artificial struggle and that no president is coming to save them, republican or democrat, hopefully protests will spring up everywhere and when they start, real meaninful change can appear. Every American knows the establishment is everywhere. Every American knows they’re in a class war.

    Every American wants to fight it, but the Republicans say Democrats are the establishment and the Democrats say Republicans are the establishment. To overcome this both Republicans and Democrats must recognize they are fighting the same enemy and it’s not each other. The republican party and the democrat party are both artificial constructs of many political views that don’t translate to anything in the real world of politics. They’re amalgamations of parties that have differing political views who might win elections but won’t effect meaningful change on account of that. It serves the interest of the oligarchs that no matter which party wins, they win.

  • Fyi the syncthing-fork guy (catfriend1) who’s still updating has a donating button on F-droid via Liberapay. It’s up to you if your financial situation allows you to donate, but the more of us help the remaining developers for their time, in particular those of us that rely so much on their work, the better off we’ll be. Let’s give them a little motivation to keep working on this.

    FYI2 syncthing-fork (as written and confirmed in this thread) has an import button for your folders from syncthing Android.

  • If i didn’t have a soldering iron, I’d probably grab a diode or resistor leg, snip it just enough to bridge the gap, press it down on the contacts, use super glue to hold it in place on both sides and the middle until it held and hope the glue doesn’t block the contacts.

    But this is an extremely shoddy solution and i doubt it will last long. You have to hold it firmly in place or the glue will get underneath the component leg. The user can’t let it roll around under the finger. I suggest pressing it against the upper side of the contacts in the picture for leverage. Try it out yourself and see if you can do it. Once you verify with a multimeter you get current through, you can apply more super glue on top between the contacts to give it a little more grip, that may make it hold on for longer. Since it’s for a low current application I’m betting just the contact surface of the component leg with the solder blobs underneath will be enough and will not overheat, but i would suggest letting it run a bit just to make sure. You can always make it just a smidge longer in order for the component leg to wrap around the blobs to increase the contact surface, in sort of a C shape.

    A soldering iron for students can be pretty cheap and I’m only suggesting this alternative so you have some sort of low cost solution that doesn’t involve one. Any diode or resistor will do, really, for like 5 cents and superglue for like 2/3€. Or if you want to put it in a kit just send small snips of tin plated, copper clad steel wire, but depending on how many kits you are manufacturing, it might be more cost effective just to use resistor/diode legs harvested from stuff you’ve got lying around.

  • It might sound like a pretty obvious thing, but have you tried changing the tools into the “Tabbed ribbon” that office uses instead of the classic old 90s organization scheme in options ?

    I have come to notice that when people who don’t really work with computers very well, in particular boomers, say that they can’t stand LibreOffice, they mean they don’t like the layout of the tools, because they can’t find anything they need. I suppose they just got used to where everything is with modern office.

    Just change it and see if she will like it better. Usually solves it for the boomers i help. Nothing is holding LibreOffice back more than their default layout scheme. They really don’t know their target audience’s pain points AT ALL. Just goes to show why you need to study your users using the product without being explained anything.

    I don’t get why their default is a layout that has been outdated for 24 years. Nostalgia or what? Only really old people who used computers in the 90s a lot will intuitively find it useful.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoMemes@sopuli.xyzBruh
    1 year ago

    I honestly don’t care about the opinion in the snippet. It’s not meaningful the amount of people not using reusable bags because it’s seen as gay. They exist, but they’re not statistically meaningful at all. It’s irrelevant.

    Plus anyone who says new research has been published and makes a statement without publishing such research is not to be taken seriously. I found the study they were talking about, Gender Bending and Gender Conformity: The Social Consequences of Engaging in Feminine and Masculine Pro-Environmental Behaviors. Basically this conclusion was reached on a self assessment study, based on 150 people reading six short stories of “a day in the live of” and some online written questionnaire. I’ll leave you to it to determine how seriously you think this study demonstrates the aforementioned conclusion.

    I’m talking specifically about the bigotry behind the meme. Trying to pigeonhole people with a false equivalency like that.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoMemes@sopuli.xyzBruh
    1 year ago

    Let me fix that for you, the overwhelming majority of straight men in medieval/renaissance times in Europe (judging from the ethnicity of the painting and the blue fleur de lis pattern) were agricultural peasants, who dressed in mostly filthy tunics/coifs and if they were lucky, boots, and ate hard bread and vegetables, very rarely meat.

    Some of them were a little better off and wore armor.

    The 1% ultra wealthy dressed like in the picture. So I’m deducing what this picture calls straight actually means very wealthy. Some of the very wealthy were famously gay too so it doesn’t actually make sense.

    It comes off as bigoted because the author seems like he really wanted to make a generalization against straight people, when actually, it’s a minority of people who have this attitude, certainly not representative of straight sexuality, or even men in general. i guess it isn’t bigotry when it’s against a non minority group, right op ?

    Your own internalized bigotry missed the opportunity to make a good point about not using bigotry to prevent oneself from doing their part for climate change. This us vs them mentality is exactly the reason why climate change is a divisive issue and you’re contributing to that divisiveness.