I might tinker with settings more than I actually play games on me Deck and I don’t think I’ve even once seen the restart issue you mention.
I might tinker with settings more than I actually play games on me Deck and I don’t think I’ve even once seen the restart issue you mention.
Quake II RTX is still probably the best graphics I’ve seen. In its own way.
Remind me who won in 2016? How do you think all those Bernie supporters felt about the election that was still very much influenced by FPTP dynamics.
Many worse publications than Kotaku.
Not subscribed and saw the post. Still a Chrome user but probably need to bite the bullet and move over.
I agree that it’s a little weird but it’s no more weird than professional sports.
I was attempting to provide clarification between what they mean between the difference of “Official Support” and something like effective support.
Clearly this a step towards them more officially supporting Windows, but it stops short of “Official Support”.
Valve’s support team isn’t going to assist with troubleshooting a borked Windows installation, so no.
Not a major issue when I’m chilling watching my YouTubes.
What does the avocado oil base do? I’ve never seasoned a cast iron pan from scratch before.
This sounds obvious/rude, but have you tried making more money?
Saving 3 months in an emergency fund while accruing high interest debt seems crazy to me.
Most people, especially those not very knowledgeable about personal finance, really should follow the Dave Ramsey baby steps.
Final Fantasy IX ranks one point higher with 94
You’re arguing pedantics semantics here and words change meanings over time. Libertarian, whether you like it or not, now also represents that particular group of people.
What are you being served with finely sliced onions that crunch?
I’m a fan of “waz-duh”.
Going to heed the article’s advice and take this with a pinch of salt.
I’ve heard of the runaway greenhouse gas effect. Is there a limit to that?