“Never” - You keep using that word. I’m not sure it means what you think it does.
“Never” - You keep using that word. I’m not sure it means what you think it does.
I just kind of knew that, but not sure how.
Tech moved in cycles. We come back to the same half-baked ideas every so on, imagine we just discovered the idea and then build more and more technologies on top to try to fix the foundational problems with the concept until something else shiny comes along. A lot of tech work is “there was an old lady who swallowed a fly”.
Newton was an absolute nobhead in the S.H.I.E.L.D series.
That looks like British Isles Island #3 to me.
“Your tax dollars are being stolen”
Rare moment of clarity from our global barony.
Or maybe use a better workflow where you’re not first finding issues after the work is already done?
History in British schools is often the civil war, often corn laws and the agricultural revolution, often Romans, but never Empire.
Interview: “reverse this binary tree with an algorithmic efficiency of O(1)”
Job: “The marketing team would like you to indent this button by 10 pixels”
It just occurred to that in Yorkshire dialect a while loop would actually be an until loop. Directives to the rescue!
Big Tech dug a trillion dollar money pit, so obviously now their stooge has to fill it up with your money.
The economy might have the clout to normalise buying it on sale three years after release.
Purple Aki turned out to be real though.
There’s absolutely no way BlueSky’s investors will tolerate it not being wrung out for every last cent.
Is this something I can dodge entirely by never buying a newer iPhone then?
Women’s bodies are the battlefield of the 21st, and every other Century.
Weird artificial distinctions of our time.
At least “self hatred” and “caffeine induced” should be hyphenated there. See me after class.
Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
It’s cute that people think those are low res graphics.