This is a very specific situation. And I’m here for the italics.
This is a very specific situation. And I’m here for the italics.
Here in Lemmy using Sync, one can filter words from headers and content. I sanitized my time-line and I’m just gliding through.
Zapp brannigan Vs. Dr. Fainsworth?
Fixed this for you
Not voting for Montgomery Burns.
That’s some seriously radioactive shit
The restaurant chain sweet tomatoes didn’t even last the two weeks. MFs where running on fumes.
Also, maxing out the $23.5K of the 401K retirement account.
Easy, have a side hustle selling drugs and pay everything cash.
“shot himself”… A day earlier, as he had a deposition against Boeing.
Yes, char(9) is the SQL string for it.
However most modern password attributes are blocking this from SQL injections where a playfully named user “Drop Table” does not cause any harm
Tryna Holla at me.
Do you have numbers to compare?
Sudo sleep
I understand now, thanks for the context I’m actually sorry for the down votes you’re getting.
Define small.
Honestly I counted the fingers on the image to make sure I was not been bamboozled into a LOTR AI meme
No that’s Kid A
Apps that provide server time either synchronizing data and storing information or providing an api to bring info to the device.
Data intensive apps like windy can charge whatever they need, now MF like Strava pushing an $79/yr for routes is about BS.