Zuckerberg will do a video of him smoking some thot’s ass meat. With Sweet Baby Ray’s, of course.
Zuckerberg will do a video of him smoking some thot’s ass meat. With Sweet Baby Ray’s, of course.
For real. No longer compatible with whatever bullshit Elon is pulling today.
Lemmings welcoming another Rexxitor, circa June 2023.
The billionaires make and sell weapons. They win no matter what.
The water is poison. The air is poison. The food is poison. You’ll work all your life likely in a debt trap you’ll never get out of no matter what you do. We’re all sick and miserable. Cogs in the machine. Replaceable, expendable cogs.
But on the plus side, our wealthy elites are the richest, most privileged human beings who have ever lived, and they get richer every day. Oh, and the planet itself is not going to be able to sustain human life soon. Did I forget to mention that?
The first time I watched 500 Days of Summer, I remember just staring at the screen after it was over for what seemed like an eternity. It made me reexamine a lot of past relationships and the mistakes I made assuming things about the other person or our relationship that weren’t grounded in reality.
You wouldn’t download [the basic features of an item you already purchased.]
It’s amazing what we’re building here. The last bastion of the old internet. Sincerely thank you everyone for your contributions.
You’re technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.
Let one who is not neurodivergent cast the first stone
RIP. Aaron was too good for this world. I hope he’s found peace in the next.
While they’re at it, they need to nerf the Sociopath trait. The handful of greedy murderhobos are breaking the climate and the economy for everyone.
Yet another reason the entire sector should be unionized.
Shop a stock photo meme on the top left, and it’s dead on.
“Your computer might be fucked or whatever. Maybe do some shit about it. Brought to you by Carl’s Jr. We love you.”