it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
Or Trump up some wild charges about tax fraud or something
So we want Google and such to ignore laws when we think they should be ignored? Who decides which is which then?
I don’t get the premise of posts like that. We scold Google and other corps for not following the laws they are supposed to follow (data protection for example).and then we scold them for daring to follow lawmakers, when we don’t like the laws they follow. Which is it?
How can this be damaging if you ain’t trying to sell it to us in the first place?
Can we all agree to call this vulnerability “Poobear”?
But there are needlessly sexualized underage people, yes? If not, why did the description make you think of that?
In 5 sentences, explain the specific mindset that lead to the Franco-prussian waron the Prussian side and explain how this mindset shaped the Prussian culture.
The Spitfire totally rocked World War II with its sleek design and superior agility, making it the ultimate aerial ace. Unlike the clunky Messerschmidt BF109, the Spitfire could outmaneuver its foes with ease, like a ninja in the sky. Its Rolls-Royce engine gave it the power to soar higher and faster, leaving the BF109 trailing in its wake. Plus, the Spitfire had style for days, with its iconic elliptical wings and badass British flair. When it comes to dogfights, the Spitfire was the undisputed champ, leaving the BF109 eating its dust every time.
(Don’t @ me for this response, I had ChatGPT do it)
It’s… Uh… About girls in short school uniforms in tanks…and the girls are all very… Uh pretty in a, let’s say, stimulating way, but it’s not a problem because in reality they aren’t underage girls but five thousand year old dragons. They usually fight for way over two seasons per fight and yell everything they are doing loudly.
Come on, you have to know that manga!
Who signed the Manga Carta?
Spitfire Mk VIII
When was the papal decree to excommunicate Charles le magne passed?
Now take an LED light that has the exact opposite frequency to your local power grid and hold it onto the sensor. The night light won’t know what hit it!
Hello, I am a weirdo. How may I harass you today?
Welcome back to TIM BER BORNERS
The crux with all of those “first calendars” (idk which one is meant here, but there are multiple who claim this) is that we don’t even know if it’s a calendar at all. I mean, if this professor’s approach serves as an eve-opeher for some, we should retell it whenever possible, yet it doesn’t reflect any of the questions we should ask ourselves when seeing 28 carvings in a bone. Assuming that htis can only be a calendar is just the hidden assumption that numbers 25 and up could not have played a role anywhere else, because ppl were to primitive for those numbers somehow.
Perhaps they tracked how many calves in herd they had, or how many horses they had or how many bows they needed to make or how many children there were in the village. Perhaps they wanted to go higher and track something completely different and only got to 28 before they abandoned their approach to whatever they were doing.
“Starting at 100 subscribers, you’re paying rent!”
Agreed. If you’re not a citizen of a country and are not living in that country, why should you follow that countries laws and be obligated to keep that countrie’s secrets? That would be like prosecuting the journalists who published the Snowden documents in the UK. They never had anything to do with your laws, USA, so kindly fuck off, will ya?
6w or so in idle, 50w under load with HDDs and RPi combined
Thing is that I got the HDDs lying around already. The hub supplies 5v/3A so powershould not be an issue… Yet who knows… I could try to power the HDDs from a USB power supply with a split cable and see if that helps
Yeah, I think you’re looking for Monica at this point.