If you were to continue killing CEOs, eventually the CEOs would call for change themselves. One dead CEO isn’t going to change that. Hypothetically, of course.
If you were to continue killing CEOs, eventually the CEOs would call for change themselves. One dead CEO isn’t going to change that. Hypothetically, of course.
LineageOS, maybe? Still Android, but (AFAIK) more open to change than standard Android.
So sad when it happens…
I don’t follow - do people still seriously use SMS? I for one try to use it as little as possible.
Don’t both Windows and MacOS call it folders, and Linux calls it directories?
Is asked the local POC (Indonesian-Japanese; Indonesian-born) and he responded (and I quote) “people need to stop being pussies”. The Brazilians (Brazil mentioned!) didn’t care much either.
So I don’t need to pretend anything about anything.
Your milage may vary though.
I don’t know about Scrollone, but I hate it when corporations force me to change for the sake of change. Options to change is fine (in case someone doesn’t like the default), of course.
And no, “inclusivity” is not the actual reason, as that’s already covered by adding the option to change (which again, is completely fine)
Because I don’t want to be forced to adapt by others. Let me adapt by myself. Adding an option for change is fine, but changing the default is fucking annoying. Fuck Github for changing master
Not quite the same meaning, as master/slave is forced, whereas dom/sub there’s implied consent.
Also, pretty sure most companies would not be OK with the sex reference, which is just a bonus!
The fact that Blizzard was able to piece together a reconstruction of WoW Classic v1.12 is more of the exception to the rule.
Does multiple research papers count? All of them related to the Relational Model, the foundation for relational database management systems. I’m also currently digging through the Postgres manual (only 3000 pages short).
Within the context of the meme it’s a guy with a mug and an exploitable sign on his table. Nothing more.
This shit sounds pretty tiring, IMO :/
We fixed that one: https://codewithrockstar.com/
People are just nitpicking the meaning of the word Organization. Antifa is an organization in a very loose definition of the word. If you want to be more accurate, you’d call it a Network. Organizations (in the stricter sense) has a single leader and has a very tree-like structure with more power on top (like Corporations!), which Antifa obviously is not.
Though you’re correct in that Antifa is a “movement”.
I don’t, mostly because I watched Asmongold talk about it, and now I feel weird playing with a female character online.
Though singleplayer I don’t feel any problems: Lara Croft, Rynn, Chell, Rayne, Jade - it’s all fine.
Maybe it’s just for customizable characters?
I’m not watching all that stuff, because I don’t care about Pewdiepie enough.