You can even use it to beat brown people over the head about how they should follow your moralizing to stop and injustice you created!
You can even use it to beat brown people over the head about how they should follow your moralizing to stop and injustice you created!
This is accurate as hell
It happened so long ago, I forget many people weren’t around. I thought it was common knowledge. I think it was the movie the hangover which started turning him into a meme and caused people to transfer that into actually liking Tyson. He’s an idiot at best, a rapist at worst.
Most fucked up part of the article, Tyson speaking about his victim:
"I just hate her guts,” he said of Washington in 2003. “She put me in that state, where I don’t know. I really wish I did now. But now I really do want to rape her.”
Tyson has also been quoted as saying he did “four or five things worse than what I’m accused of”. To eliminate any potential uncertainty – four or five things worse than rape.
It’s all scripted so it would turn out however they wrote it. Boxing is scripted and every altercation and weigh in fight/drama in boxing and UFC/MMA is set up and fake
I’m NOT watching the fight cause I refuse to give attention and money to a convicted rapist and an influencer creep
That’s what I use, it’s so much simpler. And I only use the press because my wife refuses to buy me instant coffee, otherwise that’s what I’d drink, cause it’s so about ease for me. A press is easier to clean
In high school, teachers used to insist we become computer techs and engineers cause it was the future! And teachers would tell us “if you don’t get into computers, you’ll end up as a plumber or garbage man!”
Meanwhile I’m adult, watching the plumbers and garbage man bringing home the money and having unions and benefits. And I hated computers so I just got into nothing
Wonder if that’s harmful in the long run, cause you’re not allowed to make the bad guys look like what they were, bad guys.
I randomly played the first cause it was on psplus and I got hooked. I really liked this new series and want more
Heavily censored in Germany apparently, which kinda seems odd and protective of Nazis
He throws his friends under the bus
Don’t know why they cut it honestly since it’s been there forever, but when Michael is trying to set people up he sets Kevin up with Erin and when Erin looks disappointed Kevin says:
“you will learn to love me”
Michael: “slow down Kevin, you gotta let the cookies cool before you pop em in your mouth!”
That whole exchange is now gone and you only get Erin’s disappointment and her asking Michael if she can talk to him in private. The cookie joke is gone for some reason
I agree with this. I had this gorgeous friend that I never once tried making a move on our flirting with, cause she was way out of my league. We got to hanging out alone a lot and I would never do anything but just act like a normal, non horny person for once. All of a sudden she’s kissing me. Like wtf?! Good times.
Wait until you realize that most of your favorite movies and shows have been re edited or messed with.
I was watching the office for the 100th time and one of my favorite jokes was just straight up removed from the show during this rewatch. So just in the last few months they’ve gone back and edited the show.
I was also rewatching breaking bad and they’ve changed some of the music as well.
Yup. Controllers just work better for me. I have fast reaction time. I beat the Battletoads speeder level!
Reminds me of Randy on South park
I go the opposite. I have been console gaming for 40 years. I can perform much better even in fps games while on a controller
Music was better when I used to look at the back of an album and the credits were like a dozen people. I’m sorry to people who like Beyonce, Gaga etc. But you look at their albums and they have hundreds of writers, engineers, producers, mixers, etc. What do these celebrities actually do anymore? Just show up and read the lines and the crew takes care of the rest? I’m sorry but that to me isn’t a good artist or musician, that’s just manufactured branding.
The biggest obstacle to people joining Linux is all the Linux stans who don’t shut up about it
If it happens all the time I would say so. This happens to me when I’m tired so I just figured it’s my brain lagging