I’m with you, to this day the only puzzle that still is challenging is the marble puzzle.
Just a grey muzzle
I’m with you, to this day the only puzzle that still is challenging is the marble puzzle.
I don’t even use discord but now I’m curious to setup an account to see what is ruffling people’s feathers.
Not sure how to put it on a Mac, but I don’t think any os is better than others. Windows, Linux, and MacOS to me is just like picking a flavor of ice cream. They all do the job, but what are you willing to tolerate?
Now I know that’s over simplified but that’s really how I look at it.
Similar story here. I flipped from Windows 10 to Elementary OS a few weeks back, and have opened Steam to play games way more than I ever have.
I think the change of scenery help rekindle my desire to play games.
Started playing Fallout 76 for the first time this week. Been having fun so far. I’m glad I waited for the game to get this far in content.