Yup. This is a stoner snack.
Yup. This is a stoner snack.
And the thing is: Trump is not a clever man. In fact, he’s blantantly, obviously, ferociously stupid. He didn’t just appear out of nowhere. The rest of us have been watching this dog eat grass for the last 50 years.
I’ve been playing Bethesda games since Oblivion. I finally stopped pre-ordering after Fallout 4. I’m getting sick of immersion-breaking bugs and computer-generated fetch quests taking the place of real story writing.
Walk into any old graveyard and notice all the tiny little tombstones of children who died before the age of two. Before vaccines were in use.
Now notice how almost NONE of those tombstones are recent.
Google has been telegraphing this for months. Either switch browsers now or enjoy your ads.
Needs to be running on Linux to make it perfect.
Subnautica - Abandon Ship
Techtonica - almost all the tracks
Or a former BASIC programmer who really hates braces . . .
When billionaires have special access to lawmakers and the rule-making machinery, the the “law” is whatever they want it to be.
If you live in a society where you work a 40 hour week and you STILL can’t afford basic things like shelter, food, utilities and healthcare, then the rich are stealing too goddamn much from you.
The Market includes companies like Blackstone, who scoop up houses at auction, lightly flip them and then put them back on the market as high-priced rentals.
The end of real representative democracy began when the courts allowed the “corporations are people / money is speech” arguments. Once that happened, government began to represent only the interests of billionaires and their lobbyists.
It’s taking decades to play out, but it’s going to end badly.
Yeah, subby. We get it. “Both sides are bad.” But one side is boring corporatists who don’t give a crap and the other side is 100% concentrated evil fascists, authoritarians and religious nutjobs. And while that’s a choice between the lesser of two evils, it’s not a difficult one.
It’s not about the gays vs straights or blacks vs whites or the Romulans vs The Federation. It’s about the billionaires vs everybody else. It’s a class war. It aways has been. And life is never going to improve for most of us until we figure out where the REAL source of our pain comes from. Like George Carlin once said:
“That’s the way the ruling class works in any society. They keep the lower and middle classes fighting with each other so that they . . . the rich . . . can run off with all the f*cking money.”
This is going to be a great year for indie games. (Currently playing, “Techtonica.”)
I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of gaffes Biden has made over the last two years.
Trump can’t go a single day without making a fool out of himself.
Another Fox News host sucking up to the Russians.
I don’t know anyone who would accept an HP printer even as a gift. If I got one, I would recreate that scene from “Office Space” and bust it up with a sledgehammer.
Yeah, trying to upcharge this from murder to “terrorism” is going to backfire spectacularly in the prosecutor’s face.