Literally just got a semi-transparent Xbox controller. My kid loves looking at the rumble motor moving inside.
Literally just got a semi-transparent Xbox controller. My kid loves looking at the rumble motor moving inside.
Canal has always been a terrible company from as far as I can remember. They had the best programs sure but their ultra-capitalist methods, the fact they were always involved with whatever scandal/corporate abuse and at the time the only channel you had to pay for always turned me off. Especially since France had great public TV and other private channels available for free.
I’m thinking keep the horizontal one at the bottom and put 3 vertical ones over it, now the vertical one is all the way over there.
I’m curious, do we know why the French seem to be all over these debrid services?
Food $200 Rent $800 Gorilla couch $10 000
Someone help me budget this.
“Just want a nice normal looking guy like Henry fucking Cavill” lmao. I have no skin in the game being happily married, but hitting the gym/doing sports is still good for you regardless.
That’s right I guess, but at least in a beignet there’s a bit of preparation involved, I was picturing just whole fried apples or maybe like french fries but made of apple, but you’re right I guess beignet counts.
Fried apples? Maybe that’s a Texas thing, or Scottish, but it wouldn’t be a source of confusion in France because they’d take your passport away if you tried frying an apple.
For that you need a FWA3DP, a friend with a 3D printer. Mine prints me parts every few months when I randomly need something.
I definitely feel like there’s a correlation between jobs being entry level and being customer facing. Also in many jobs of any level you still have “customer management” even if that customer can take different shapes than the usual retail crowd, but that’s not always a good thing.
The moon feels much more real to me when I see it in the daytime. At night it’s so bright I can’t really make out the details (my eyes aren’t the best), but during the day I see it very clearly and it looks more 3D, makes it feel much more like the big rock in space that it is.
Still not nearly as expensive though, prices in the US are artificially inflated through collusion, while prices in the EU are kept down via the huge bargaining power countries have when negotiating under a unified front.
Merci pour la citation. Indeed the fact she’s used the English word makes it lose a bit of edge but still, the sentiment is there.
Ah yes good point, I missed that puff of sand, certainly would seem to support it being right side up. I might be thinking of another, similar image which was flipped.
I hope you won’t take my comment the wrong way, I’m trying to be friendly but this can be a sensitive topic. Also disclaimer, I do think if you’re American the vibe there is very different, I’m writing from an European perspective which I suspect you might be too considering the genres listed (if not, maybe consider moving here haha).
I get what you’re trying to say but you’re probably shielding yourself off from finding common grounds with a lot of people. I don’t think any of what you listed is so obscure that no one knows about them, and despite your protest, I think you do think your taste is very special and unique and no one can understand you. All of these genres have huge followings (have you seen the crowds at hard style festivals? Lol, that’s a genre a lot of people in underground electronic music consider mainstream).
Assuming they’re not just the kind of people listening to the radio or top 40 stuff, even if they don’t know the Megaman rock opera band (which, hey, I heard of it as it turns out, though I couldn’t have named them), they might be interested in learning more about it. But it sounds like you’ve made up your mind that not only could no one else possibly have such unique and peculiar taste as you, but that no one (or almost no one) would even be interested in expanding their own musical horizons.
Either you only know/meet really shitty people (unlikely) or this is a construct you’ve built into your mind. I get it though, I used to have similar feelings towards the general public when I was younger (though I always did have access to crowds that would share at least one or more genre with me) but with age I realized I just don’t give a fuck what people think and I’ll listen and happily discuss whatever I like (and, gasp, yes, that also includes some mainstream things!) with anyone that’s interested, whether they’re already versed into the genre or not. I’ve put on a lot of people to a lot of good stuff like this over the years to the point they became regular listeners or even buying vinyl of it etc, and the same happened to me.
Just play this sound.
You just don’t get it do you??? The ONLY thing that can carry the movie is the script and exposition through dialogue!!! Everything else is a sin against the purity of the cinematic art form!!! /s