Well. I have used https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android for ages… Guess that will continue?
Well. I have used https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android for ages… Guess that will continue?
Markor is absolutely amazing. Pair it with syncthing.
Find it will mentained on play, froid and github https://github.com/gsantner/markor
Last i looked into it, joplin had a bug which ment syncthing didnt work . Can’t remember the details but the solution was pinning an old version.
I am much much happier with markor notes + syncthing.
Super sinple, 100 % foss, sync what you want .
Thx. Interesting. But a bit to expensive.
Is there really no watch i can just connect to my pc and transfer data?
On android opentracks, fitotracks etc are great applications.
Syncthing can backup your photos on Android.
I’ve never really understood Usenet. As i understand it, usenetb is essentially centralized. Even though the experience might be better, i feel it is less safe? Also when taken into account there is payment and therefore zero anonymity…
Send is super cool! Fixed you link: https://timvisee.com/projects/send/
Looks really kool. Reminds me of tiddlywiki but yet totally different. The authentication is very briefly touched upon. What kind of auth is it? Maybe more robust to just use http auth via caddy?
I (not op) have a 100 mbps connection. That’s not very fast. Would i even benefit from such a router? I currently have 2 x asus RT-AC88U but the mesh functionality is not great. I have brig walls. The way i understand it, for my needs, wiring is the only way to go?
Markor + synvthing
Joplin uses it’s own database so interoperability is not perfect. Markor is so effing cool. That’s on Android. On the laptop I use want ever is best suited for the task. Most often, a vim variant of notepad++
Sideberry didn’t workout for me. The groups feature didn’t work as expected / wanted.
For me i am careful not to trust to many addons. Several addons have “turned against the user”. I trust gorhill and ublock origin. I only install verified by Firefox. Disable when not needed anymore.
Besides that i think Multu account containers cookieautodelete Bitwarden Treestyle tab
I also use vimium although it pains me or had access to everything, and it’s not verified. So it only runs in nonessential windows.
I’ll be the one: use rtorrent