There is a consumerist TikTok craze for some expensive type of thermocup by the company Stanley.. It was also found to contaminate drinks with lead.
Na you have large population centers where a lot of alarm clocks go off at exactly 7am. The same people fall asleep over a longer interval of time the night before.
Oh, my God, this man is my exact double! That dog has a fluffy tail!
I do not have a specific opinion on Jeff’s partners. Both his ex-wife and his current wife were pretty successful at what they were doing.
Foucault’s view of society as a panopticon is like discovering that our daily lives are a suspenseful thriller, with surveillance cameras hidden behind every corner or your know just modern surveillance capitalism.
While you were busy with beans and beef stroganoff, I was pouring over the intricacies of stock stock photos. When you were laughing at the thought of spending hours understanding the perfect garnish placement, I was in the trenches, discerning the subtleties of soup lighting. And now, as the world turns to culinary aesthetics and soup presentations are paramount, you have the audacity to come to me for recipes?
Christopher Poole founded 4chan because some hentai-relates things were banned on something awful. 4chan’s /pol/ was an early seedbed for right wing extremism. Also the first QAnon posts came from 4chan.
I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, rough and irritating
Would like to know that as well. I just stole the meme from non-fediverse meme site
Have you awoken one morning from unsettling dreams and found yourself changed into a monstrous vermin in your bed? Then this tweet is for you.
The flag says he is British but in fact he’s French
Imagine what kind of cookie destroying rampage the cookie monster on munchies would create
Or farming space beetles on the half of the planet your family owns
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times
Meme references this historical recording.
Next up: Lego Planet Terror
Fine, oh and add that CPU from the Dreamcast
2011 wants this post back