Ah no, I’ve seen the logo before and there’s a report about it here: https://www.msc.org/docs/default-source/uk-files/msc-uk-tuna-shopper-report-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=5309aa2f_7
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.
I’m on Telegram - feel free to ask for my details :3
My other account is @OmegaMouse@feddit.uk
Ah no, I’ve seen the logo before and there’s a report about it here: https://www.msc.org/docs/default-source/uk-files/msc-uk-tuna-shopper-report-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=5309aa2f_7
That’s really insightful, thanks!
Interesting, I suppose a single fish then would generally be shared by a single ‘community’ around whichever store sold those cans. But other fish caught at the same time could potentially be sent to another country entirely.
In terms of waste, I meant more at the consumer level. Seeing as cans last such a long time I’m guessing the wastage would be a lot lower than other more perishable foods…
Hmm looking at the can I got from Aldi in the UK, it says ‘responsibly sourced’ (whatever that means) but doesn’t have an MSC certification. I’ll see if I can find cans that do in future!
This video seems to suggest that quite a lot of the process is manual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt3SbqYAbf4
People deboning, sorting it and so on. It’s not entirely clear but yeah they seem to load hunks of meat in which I guess a machine then places into cans.
Possibly, but it’s always been quite hard to tell. Whenever I get cans it’s always in tiny flakes so I guess that could be from multiple tunas if one can needed a top-up etc.
What can I say, it just feels more authentic that way
These edibles ain’t shi…
( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)
How exactly are they evolving if you kill them? Surely the ones you don’t kill evolve 🤔
Well I… I mean, it’s not… I guess? Hm 🤔
Haha this is excellent! I do play on PS5, but I’m glad exclusives are becoming less of a thing (it was always annoying having certain games walled off to one console). I’m not quite sure why anyone would buy a PS5 Pro…
Hm, ok. Lets say that the goal of TikTok is to be overstimulating, to catch your attention and provide bursts of dopamine. I’d argue that any form of entertainment (like books for example) aim to do the same, albeit on a less intense scale. Yes, you could say that books require patience and commitment unlike the short form content of Tiktok. But I wouldn’t say they’re opposites.
Probably watching paint dry would be the opposite? That would require an almost meditative/zen state
Heroes with herpes and villainous turkeys
Catching a virus from a girl in her thirties
Mouth parts all covered with pustules that sting
Those are a few of my favourite things
Ahh thanks - It’s included within an existing Playstation subscription I have, so I can play it without any extra charge. If it’s short and fun like you say, I’ll definitely give it a go!
Is RE3 remake worth playing? I loved the remake of the second one.
Admittedly I don’t use the D-pad all that much - does it not register inputs well? I guess it’s pretty important if you’re playing a fighting or retro game that require precise inputs. For the games I’ve played, it hasn’t been an issue.
No the pro controller doesn’t have hall effect sticks, but I’ve not experienced any drift. I did take it apart once to clean the insides however.
I had no end of problems with the joy cons, and have replaced those sticks with hall effect ones. Since doing that I’ve not had any problems, touch wood!
To be fair I’ve had the pro controller for several years and it has held up really well. Really ergonomic and the vibration’s good, plus it has gyro. Perfect for my needs on Switch. I think it was worth what I paid.
Oh I missed that! But wait, where you can buy half an avocado? Why would you only want half?