Won the vote to organize a union, something that has to be done in the U.S.
Won the vote to organize a union, something that has to be done in the U.S.
I agree in that it doesn’t need to be required, but I think you’re leaving money on the table and intentionally limiting who can experience the art you’re trying to share with the world.
You don’t HAVE to include more than the basic colorblind option and maybe some extra visual cues, but games that go farther and allow more people to enjoy their product are better products for it.
Souls games are great. I don’t want to ‘get gud’ so I haven’t bought one ever, and with no difficulty drop I probably never will. I don’t have time for that. It’s not a bad game because they don’t have features to make it more accessible to me, but it COULD be a better game if they did.
The Bronte sisters would be my Kardashian’s, oh my God
Subscription services*
Yeah it’s not even just that, she’s unhinged as hell. Each new controversy has a longer and weirder NFO or backstory or 16 pages of screenshots from her discord from fanboys that want her feet pics.
I love piracy, I love a good radical, I don’t love the weird vitriolic hate and self worship she spews out.
Honestly windows is so slow at this point, we just use door. Why waste all that energy and power just to get the thing off the ground when alternatives exist?
A really great classic copypasta
I think maybe it’s pointless in the sense that the average shopper doesn’t think it influences them. Statistically, it does, but they may not feel like it does.
It’s still shitty, regardless of how effective it may appear. There’s a reason the common items are always spread out, as I’m sure you know. Can’t have someone grabbing milk, cheese, eggs, bread, and fruit all from the same section, then they’d miss the donuts and the cakes and the frozen pizas and the ‘managers discount’ almost expired meat section (I like almost expired meat, I’m poor too, but still)
I know not of who you speak, but have you considered that it’s mosquitoes making accounts to defend themselves?
But how does that make any sense in regards to trans issues?
Like, I’d get if maybe some laws weren’t being brought to vote because it doesn’t fit the agenda for the day, but do you really think all 3 branches of our government are so embroiled in lgbtq+ issues that they aren’t making other laws? How does what politicians are discussing on social media or on television affect whether a regulatory agency is going to open their eyes and prosecute when things are put on their desk? Is the SEC (not the government, but the governments enforcers) discussing trans medicine this whole time instead of intentionally looking away from white collar theft?
Little Debbie was grinning something awful though.
You’re not wrong. My nan died the other day, fucking guy didn’t even take of his cap as they carried her through the kitchen to the backdoor. The box of Zatteran’s at least bowed its head.
I think it’s more to do with that if the collective workers vote to become a union or not, and succeeds in that vote, then the owner/company must recognize them as the union and engage in negotiations as such.
If the vote of the workers fails to choose to unionize…well usually that means the people who tried to organize it get fired because there’s no union