A jar offers peak utility when empty - so much efficiency!
Compassion >~ Thought
A jar offers peak utility when empty - so much efficiency!
BE the change that you would like to see in the world… 🫠
Isn’t that true of any fiction?
And therefore Lemmy.World would like to give them a chance to speak their mind!:-P
Don’t worry, it’s not like crucial decisions such as whether or not you get to keep your job depend on the outcome…
You are missing the parts where they pull the wildest possible estimate out of their ass, then blame the worker for not living up to it.
Oh uh… is that just me? Okay then…
I think it’s far worse than that, sadly. Some people chase after something - daddy / peer approval? - that they will never have, and certainly cannot buy with money, yet they’ve inappropriately decided to triple down on attaining more money as their means to solve their other personal issues. And then control all of society trying to get people to look down on anyone who does otherwise.
Really they don’t even desire the money, like a zombie munching, yet unlike a living being’s hunger response from which it was originally born, it will never become sated, it’s just an endless intake with no purpose (anymore).
Step-leopard, what are you doing down there?
Gasp, surely you jest, surely they won’t eat their faces off as well? /s
Precious few others seem even to be aware of what is going on.
Except ofc for those cheering it along. 😢
It’s probably our internal modifications, but Jira especially iirc is known to be quite “fragile”.
Edit: ofc the main point here is that companies pay to test only on Chrome, then consider the matter settled, even while Firefox decides to strike out on its own in so many ways regardless. I have no choice but to use Chrome… or to find another job.
Are you high (voltage⚡)?
When that is the only browser that actually works for Jira, Confluence, and the like at work, then yes boo hoo we absolutely do! 😭
It alr… oh uh you mean in the future yes that might just be possible sometime in the future yes… :-)
Just think ahead to when they try to humanize AI by adding back in “personalities” - basically replacing the human answers offered freely (at no monetary cost), and freely moderated by humans, with for-cost versions that are 1/1000th as good as the real thing.
You will own nothing - not even your personal opinions - and like it.
I said: eat the rich
Your response: money shouldn’t exist
Okay… maybe, but this is what we have now.
This is the way that it should be IMHO - the rich pay more, and get more in return. Like, hasn’t the feature set of Premium increased? 4k, multiple household multiple screen whatever whatever. Anyway if they can afford it and want to, then that helps everyone out for them to support the entire platform.
More troubling to me (than whatever is going on with Premium that is way above most of our heads) is the recent uptick for Standard. Like the blue line is remarkably flat, and red was too until 2025. But iirc there are “details” there like that is only for people outside the USA, not that that one fact alone isn’t high relevant, but that it’s one example of a detail (and there may be several others along with it) that complicates interpretation of just these raw numbers. Like at that point I’d want to know the reason why the price went up only outside but not inside the USA - pure corporate greed? (Certainly that’s one of the factors:-P, but is it the only one?) Laws passed in the other countries affected that makes it more expensive to operate there? A bit of both?
I like paying for Netflix, bc it’s a superb player that handles network congestion and such very well and it signals content creators which content I want to see more of. I don’t restrict myself to “only” what I can pay for, but if a show is on Netflix then I enjoy the convenience that it offers. The situation is nothing like what it used to be let’s say 5 years ago, and I worry about how that will continue to evolve in a year or two, but for now it halfway works - and I’m not signing up for Disney or Paramount or Hulu or whatever so Netflix it is then. As long as I can afford it.
Until I want to type Sick Dick Go. I went ahead and allowed autocorrect it’s (sic) way there. Google works perfectly though, on my Android phone.
Edit: to be clear I was talking about DuckDuckGo.
(But yeah, things will never quite go back to the way they were, nor would we want them to exactly.)