I’m in a similar situation, but I’m afraid of being perceived as geigh by violent homophones
That would be a synopsis of the joke, yes
It’s like five miles of paddleball hackey sack
I haven’t played multiplayer since the PS3 days, before Sony joined the greed bleed
I’m as open-minded as the next guy, but my back itches.
Such disrespect for Peacock
I believe that the big bang was an overcooked ravioli that burst us all into existence, in the name of the fusilli, the sacchettoni, and the holy gnocchi, al dente.
Fair points. I think that other guy was referring to Hamas apparently digging up water mains to use as materiel for building rockets. That sounded like bullshit to me but I’ve seen that story everywhere lately
The US likely thinks that the nation state that was established by the UN to provide a home for a people victimized by an attempt to eradicate Jews in Europe is worth defending. I’m no fan of any of this shit, but as someone else recently pointed out, if Hamas stops receiving funding, the likely result is less conflict. If Israel stops receiving funding, three likely result is that they will be wiped off the face of the earth in short order. I believe there is truth to that.
I don’t think there is any doubt that war crimes have occurred on both sides of this conflict.
This one resonates. Forget drones and troops, we need to unleash the science teachers
Is that supposed to be a gotcha? The current genocidal maniacs are a result of Israel having tried to deal with the prior genocidal maniacs getting funded by neighboring states to lead the charge of eradicatong the nation state of Israel? Well then, gotem gud, I guess.
Still waiting for Mindhunter… Guess I’ll wait forever
Yeah but I doubt your husband would flame you because you 360 no scoped him, becsuse you are also within shoe throwing range
Interpretation of reality is individual
Reality itself is relative
But if it didn’t exist we wouldn’t be chatting about it right now
That’s my reality anyway
What’s yours?