People pronounce GIF with a hard G, even though it’s officially JIF, so who cares? /s, nothing agaisnt you, OP.
[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.
Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.
People pronounce GIF with a hard G, even though it’s officially JIF, so who cares? /s, nothing agaisnt you, OP.
Python-Python or Portugol?
Defederated from lemmy.world? Why?
You forgot some other instances of not so cool people.
By the way, isn’t there somewhere written in your instance’s website that “this isn’t like Reddit” or something?
Where’s the neme?
Eu vi o original! Essa tirinha é genial!
It is, actually, because 5 + 3 = 8 and 7 + 3 = 10, and 7 - 5 is 2. Pretty simple way of thinking.
O estranho é que o link do Peertube nem funciona…
Calma que já chega, que nem boleto
Atualização: recebi uma quinta mensagem com uma foto diferente
Jeito estranho de escrever “vida na américa latina com a escala 6x1”
But why does (some) people want every software to be open source if making money can’t be an objective? /genq
I don’t think leaving Proton due to their CEO approving Trump is that reasonable
Proton has a good service
Perdonally, Lemmy doesn’t fits my humour that much, specially with all the US centric posts ☹️
O que é Medium?