You’re a moron if you use this.
You’re a moron if you use this.
We seriously need a way to sandbox apps, where they cant see shit outside their sandbox
These smart watches are garbage. Even Apple watches have rather short lifetimes
My Garmin is going strong 5 years later, and I’ve got no incentive to upgrade
Honeycomb was a tablet only ui. Google ditched the more effective ux in a fit of unification, that I believe is significantly responsible for killing Android tablets
Time is a flat circle. I remember when honeycomb launched with a bottom navbar, only for Google to delete it later in favor of a (terrible) phone like gui
Can’t wait for them to never roll it out
Kagi generated key points:
- The new Find My Device network on Android was designed with a strong focus on user security and privacy.
- The network uses a crowdsourced approach to locate lost or misplaced devices and belongings, even when they are offline.
- The location data reported by participating Android devices is end-to-end encrypted, ensuring Google cannot access or use the location information.
- The network has “aggregation by default” as a safety feature, requiring multiple nearby devices to detect a Bluetooth tag before reporting its location to the owner.
- The network also has protections to avoid contributing location reports when near the user’s home address.
- Rate limiting and throttling are used to prevent malicious real-time tracking, while still allowing the network to be useful for finding lost items.
- The network is compliant with industry standards for unwanted tracking, triggering alerts on both Android and iOS devices.
- Users have full control over which of their devices participate in the network and how.
- The network design has undergone internal security testing and is part of Android’s vulnerability rewards program.
- Prioritizing user safety and privacy is an ongoing commitment as the team continues to improve the Find My Device protections.
Apple has done this many times before. Over even more frivolous patents (i.e. a glossy black rectangle)
They made their bed, now they have to lie in it
They should stick them on swappa. Kindles hold value fairly well, and they’re great gifts to kids, as they can often encourage reading
After getting burnt by both the Google endorsed Xoom and the Google branded Nexus 10, I don’t trust them at all when it comes to tablets.
With both, Google released good products, and then proceeded to ruin them with abhorrent changes to the software. They made the Nexus 10 dump it’s tablet interface in favor of a big phone UI ffs.
Kagi summary:
- The Android Market (now Google Play Store) was launched in October 2008 with the T-Mobile G1 phone, helping establish app ecosystems on mobile.
- Before app stores, finding and downloading apps was difficult through various online stores and carrier stores with limited selection and updates.
- The Android Market centralized the app experience and discovery, giving access to a growing variety and number of apps in one place.
- Early app successes helped drive more users, phones, developers and apps in a reinforcing cycle that grew the app economy exponentially.
- Popular early apps filled gaps in Android’s capabilities in areas like weather, file management, flashlights as built-in features were still being developed.
- Later apps brought extra abilities beyond necessities, like music streaming, ebooks, games, social media and more.
- The article reminisces on the novelty of app stores and ecosystems in their early days compared to their ubiquitous presence today.
- Over 100,000 apps were available by mid-2010 and over 3.5 million apps today on Google Play.
- We now take app discovery, updates, and the overall app experience for granted due to how well app stores do their job.
- The article credits the Android Market and Apple App Store for establishing apps as the norm and changing our expectations of mobile.
Fwiw Android has had auto deleting 2fa codes in it’s messaging app for at least 2 years now
14 is the most underwhelming release I’ve ever used, to the point I didn’t even notice when my phone updated
Throw them into the ocean, same as all car batteries
Subaru Solana or whatever it’s called. I bought an ascent earlier this year, but it basically came down to splitting hairs when I went with it over the Solana. Absolute blast to test drive that thing, and I’d love to take it down to Moab or similar places.
Probably going to wind up leasing one next year, so I don’t have to worry about battery decline down the road
Not if they have a way to strip watermarks too, as has happened with every other system like this
In some places they are.
In Utah, for example, there’s a system called Utopia. They ran fiber all over the place, to the home in most locations. The fiber itself is an Ethernet network owned by Utopia. ISPs then just provide service over said Ethernet network. You can have multiple ISPs at the same time, and they don’t actually own the last-mile, or much else
If you can’t list em, you shouldn’t be able to charge for em
After switching to Pulumi, I don’t ever want to use terraform again
But now who will donate pretend coats for the virtually needy?!