That is the trouble with relying on recruiters, there’s essentially no bar to entry so the industry is flooded with talentless chancers
That is the trouble with relying on recruiters, there’s essentially no bar to entry so the industry is flooded with talentless chancers
Aren’t messages the only point of LinkedIn? You create a profile which is basically your CV, set it to “looking for work”, and wait for recruiters to message you, right?
Can you include that in the title and description please? It’s a pretty important detail to leave out!
You are correct, of course; I’m being facetious because half the comments here seem to be from people who are renting somewhere that costs their entire salary
If your expenses are more than your pay then you can either get a better paying job, cut your expenses by moving, or die
People with less expenses, people with a higher salary, people who live in a less expensive area, etc, etc.
Are you a Windows temporary file name?
I blame games back then for calling bots/AI “CPU” characters, short for “computer”
Russia had already tried to join NATO multiple times
Russia has requested to join the defensive pact against Russia
Did they just throw a load of random text into this title thumbnail?
Reminds me of the overbite Winnie the Pooh meme face with those teeth
It’s not malice though, it’s cold, unfeeling greed. Malice implies they want to cause harm; all they want is to extract maximum profit. Sometimes it’s by being malicious, sometimes it’s by being altruistic, for instance pretending to care about an oppressed minority in order to improve their image. The only decision is “will the cost of this action be less than the profit it makes?”
I’m no footballist, but I don’t think you call goals “points”
Is there a character limit? Can it be the binary for DOOM?
We’re all bad Catholics, that’s the whole point of Catholicism!
Not my gentleman’s special interest literature!
The difference is all that stuff went away, traditional desktop computers aren’t going anywhere. Sure, you can probably manage fine at home with just a phone, but not in a lot of jobs.
Well /storage/emulated/0/
seems to be sort of like a home folder, so it is quite convenient
I assume they got them cheap when a school science lab was upgrading to something made this century
I wonder how many other people this works for